27: Taking Care of It

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"I'll take care of it for you man." Sangwoo stood up and walked towards the aforementioned booth.

"Damn, he's so cool."

"Such a nice guy, even though he's so popular."

"Hand to God, I wish I could be like him."


But you just stared down at your tea that was before you. Damn. Didn't think this would be how it would go. That's just ironic. You thought to yourself.

Sangwoo however, had his heart pounding a thousand miles per hour. He spotted you and instantly, he felt his pupils dilate and his hands get sweaty. He was perhaps, just a bit nervous, but more so absolutely elated. How cool had it been that it worked out like this? After the whole Hien thing, he had honestly resigned to losing the bet. But when he saw your face, avoiding his, he couldn't help himself.

He slid himself into the booth, right next to you. Too close to you. His thigh pressed against yours and he wrapped his arm around you.

For just a few minutes, he sat there and just smiled, shaking his head. He would look down at you, smile bigger, laugh and just look forward again. You refused to look at him yet. Your heart was absolutely pounding and your breath was light. You had an odd feeling that your nose was bleeding; a tingling sensation right on the bridge, yet there was nothing there. Well, except the sheer excitement of meeting, touching and being next to your biggest idol.

If you were prone to heart attacks, you would have had one. Wish come true, you had Oh Sangwoo right next to you. Your face was very neutral as you stared at your drink. What would you do? He was going to make you come home with him. He was going to kill you. No way, that he wouldn't. This was Sangwoo. Oh Sangwoo. Serial killer wonderboy, who had not only killed his parents, but a menagerie of other people who crossed his path. And now, that was you.

I wonder how he'll kill me... He's partial to stabbing, but I'm sure that he'll be game to suffocate me as well. I don't want to die... but if I had to... Sangwoo's face is the last thing that I would want to see... You took a deep breath and you cracked a small, but growing smile.

Holy fuck, that idiot wasn't kidding when he said she was fucking hot. Damn. Like 100% natural gorgeous. Fuck, and I've even met her before. I knocked her down the other week... Singing my favorite song... Oh, I want to murder the shit out of her. I do... well... maybe after a good fuck. Damn. No. I don't know. This little virgin... this pure little thing... little woman... Is she... is she smiling at me? What do I say? Thoughts raced through Sangwoo's head as he held you close to his body, yet he struggled to say something. Anything to you. But when he saw that smile, he couldn't help what happened next.

Leaning down, he whispered in your ear.

"Marry me, Shy."

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