67: The Park

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"Wake up, Sangwoo!" You shook him as he rested against the tree. Then, you leaned close and whispered in his ear. "I could have killed you, you know."

His eyes blinked opened blearily.

"Ugh, go away." He groaned, rubbing one eye with his fist. "Why are always harassing me?"

"We were supposed to be walking!" You cheered with chipper in your voice.

"We did walk." Sangwoo tugged at your clothes gently, indicating his desire for you to sit next to him, which you allowed. "And now we're sitting. That's a date. We can sit, can't we?"

"I guess..." You bobbed your head side to side.

"Good woman. Now, can't I sleep just a bit longer?" He closed his eyes, but cracked one open just a bit to look at you.

"No, Sangwoo!" You whined. "I want to do stuff with you."

"Like what? Nothing fun. It's never stuff I want to do." He kept his eyes closed as he complained.

"We're doing the unholy stuff you want to do later. Right now, we're just doing normal couple stuff. That way, when we're married, we can say we went on dates like normal people." You explained. "Should we invite my parents to the wedding?"

He took a deep breath in through his nose and leaned his head against the tree behind him.

"No." He exhaled solidly. "Are you just wanting to talk to me?"

"Sure." You shrugged. "Why not? Aren't I supposed to?"

"I don't want them there. It's going to be a problem."

"Ah. Alright." Immediately, you acquiesced.

"Oddly easy." He noted. "Wanna do it?"

"Are we married?" You asked him with a giggle.

"No." He exhaled again, tiredly.

"Then, no."

"Mm." He frowned, but of course he hadn't expected anything different. "Do you have any guests for the wedding?"

"Ah." You sat up suddenly, causing Sangwoo to crack one eye open at you once again.

"Ah what?" He questioned, suspiciously.

"No. If I don't invite my parents, then I guess that means that the rest of my family wouldn't come. It would be weird." Logically, you reasoned this out loud to the muscular, sleepy man beside you.

"True." He agreed with you, partially out of the correctness of your statement but partially out of just wanting to sleep more.

"Do you have any guests?" You turned to look at him, despite the fact that he really wouldn't be looking back.

"Nah." He leaned his head back with his eyes closed once again. "Guests are expensive anyways. Let's just do it alone."

"Hmm." You fidgeted a bit, unsure of how you felt about that.

"What?" He felt the shifting next to him.

"What about the dress and the cake and stuff?" You responded back quietly. "And dancing? Isn't that the fun part?"

"Isn't the important part the union under God?" He shot back quickly.

"Yeah, I guess." You whispered, messing with your hair in a demure fashion, subdued by Sangwoo's correction.

Another sigh was let out as Sangwoo realized what he had done. As he sat up, he pulled you close to his side and laid his cheek on your head.

"You can still have that stuff. I'll invite a few people when things blow over and it'll be an intimate party. And then we can have our own intimate party. How about that?" He squeezed you tightly until you squeaked and nodded in his arms.

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