30: Temptation

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"Mmm, these are really good, Sangwoo!" You looked him in the eyes as you swallowed your food. "What did you put in them?!"

Sangwoo eyed you curiously as he ate quietly.

"Vanilla." He remarked plainly.

"That is so smart! I would never have thought of that. Did you make the batter from scratch?" You asked as you poured more syrup onto your plate.

He smiled lightly.

"Damn, you're cute. Nah, it's just from a box, Shy.  Are you sure I can't kiss you? Because I think I could practically eat you up. I'd like to lick some syrup right off your soft body. Suck it right off of your--"

"THAT is enough, thanks, I'm flattered..." You blushed a dark red as you looked away.

Sangwoo laughed loudly as he covered his mouth to prevent any bits of pancakes from spewing out.

"You're fun, Ha-eun. Like I want to murder the fuck out of you, I do, but like, I also just like to tease you. Lucky duck, you are." He ate another bite of food and took a sip of milk. "So... You'll stay the night with me, won't you?"

You looked at his eyes, pleading with you.

"I only promised to come over!" You giggled as you smiled at the fit man in front of you.

And instantly, he concocted a plan.

"Well, you did say yes to marrying me... So you'll have to come over to keep getting to know me and to working on our plans, right?" He turned his charm factor up.

"Right..." You looked at him suspiciously.

"Well..." He looked away and tried to look sheepish. "Could I ask you to do one thing... my fiance?"

You blushed lightly.

"It... it depends..." You looked at him innocently.

"Could you, if it doesn't upset your delicate sensibilities, come sit on my lap and feed me the rest of my pancake?" Sangwoo's grin turned sinister.

You bit your lip in thought and desire. You wouldn't have minded such an action, at all, but you were suddenly a nervous wreck. And Sangwoo knew it.

He leaned back confidently as the creature on the floor choked on his food.

"Want me to sweeten the deal? I'll let you touch my muscles. I know that gets you off." Sangwoo put his arms behind his head and flexed. And you watched his biceps and triceps strain against his skin.

Your breath shortened and your heart rate quickened. The deal was officially sweetened.

"Say yes, cutie. You know you want to. I promise I won't do anything that you don't want to do." His smile became a little bit crooked. His chair squeaked against the floor as he pushed it out.

And oh, was it ever tempting. But temptation was the devil's doing and you knew that it was something wicked. One thing might lead to another and who knew if you could stop it.

"Oh... I don't know... It's probably something I should just... wait for..."

Sangwoo rolled his eyes at you and held one arm open to you.

"Shut up, Shy. Live a little. I'm not asking for anything bad."


"Don't be shy, Shy."

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