18: Arts & Remembering & School, Oh My!

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"Mmph!" You grunted as your dug your fingers into the formaldehyde-soaked heart. Despite having gloves on, it still wasn't a pleasant smell or even sensation. "Harder than it looks."

As you tore it in half and then laid it in a box, you nodded at it.

"Art. Through and through." Then, you picked up a permanent marker and scrawled a note on the bottom of the box. "Do... Not... Forget... About... Me... I... Love... You... More..."

You scribbled the word "shy" all over  the inside of the box; lest Sangwoo forget your own nickname.

Speaking of, Sangwoo was at class right now, taking his exams for kinesiology. As he presented his knowledge of all the abducting muscles in the body, you were dropping off the wonderful work of art at Sangwoo's house. Then, you went back to your own home to study for your own midterms. Creative writing, where you had to turn in your first draft, was your first project due.

As you worked on that, you wondered when Sangwoo would be home. You were feeling dejected still and you desperately wanted him to acknowledge you.

Meanwhile, Sangwoo wasn't thinking about you.

"This is so fuckin' hard... Abducting is pulling away from the midline... or is that adductor muscles?" He groaned to himself. "The three muscles of the posterior... gluteus maximus, minimus and... medius! Well jeez, that's the only easy question..."

"Shhh!" Someone hushed him as he grumbled even more. He was almost done with school, but that should not have been an excuse for him not to study. But he just didn't and now he was suffering the consequences.

He ended up taking all of the allotted time and had to randomly fill in something around ten of the thirty multiple choice questions and the written portion was half blank. He did need the credits to pass, but he didn't need to get a great grade.

He worked at a cafe right now and he was trying to get a job as a personal trainer. And clients certainly wouldn't ask his grade in general muscularity of the human body. And on top of it all, he remembered he had stuffed a letter from you in his pocket yesterday and then completely forgotten to read it. Now he didn't even care about the exam. He knew your feelings would be hurt and if your feelings were hurt, you might not want to talk to him again. Nevertheless, he would still want to have another "phone sex" session with you. It was so hot that as he was trying to answer a question about flexion and extension, his dick came to life.

Shaking his head, to clear it, he vowed to read your letter as soon as he got home. No stopping to feed the thing in his basement, no getting distracted by menial cleaning tasks. He'd also have to remember to apologize to being so absentminded.

As you heard a door slam on your computer, you woke up from having passed out on top of your homework. Sangwoo was finally home.

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