76: I Am So Sorry

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AN: I hate myself a little bit too :') But also I'm 100% sure this book will hit over 100 chapters because of this choice, so what can I say except "you're welcome"?

"I'm going to kill you Sangwoo." Your eyes began to drip uncontrollably. "I thought you loved me! I thought you weren't a lying whore like the others!"

My feelings are hurt. Why aren't you explaining to me why you did this?

"Stop overreacting, you stupid bitch. Maybe if you weren't so fucking uptight, you'd have been at the house and things would have turned out differently. But no, you're a goddamned psycho!" Sangwoo fought back this time, looking away from you, as to not be upset by your tears.

Please, don't cry. I didn't want to do this either. If you would calm down, I could explain to you.

"You didn't even try it! You wanted to get rid of me! For that waste of space! That sickening abomination!"

I don't understand. Why didn't you think of me?

"You can't control yourself, can you!? You're no better than him! A filthy, disgusting stalker! A hypocrite to the fullest! You can't be religious and murder anyone you like! You refuse to fuck me, spend the night or even kiss me! Do YOU even love me?! I think you are the fucking liar!"

I needed you too. I love you so much. I don't want to do this. I want to be with you; why aren't you understanding?

"HOW DARE YOU!? I have done everything for you! I got in bed with you! I kissed your cheek! I let you have that afternoon with me! I told you my secrets!"

I was trying my best with you. Isn't that enough to prove that I love you?

"Don't test me right now! I am ready to fucking choke the life out of you! All women are the same! Needy bitches just asking to die! No wonder I'm with a man now! Look at my face! Look at my body! I haven't even gotten into my house yet! You're a selfish bitch!"

I'm hurting! I want you to take care of me; kiss me and hug me. Tell me that I'll be okay. I don't want to be publicly connected to that ugly mug over there. I told you not to do this and you did it anyway.

"You better not sleep Sangwoo, because if you do, I'll kill you. I will make sure you never compare me to the whores you've slept with before me. Enjoy sticking your dick up a bleeding ass until I kill you. Lock your fucking doors. Lock your fucking windows. Maybe just move, Sangwoo, because I can see every step you make in there. And I don't break up with people. You're already dead now."

You can't have us both. I refuse to share you. It is important to me to be monogamous. Listen to me when I tell you how important it is. I don't want you to leave me. Please. Please, don't leave me; but I can't do this. I have to break up with you if you don't marry me.

"Get out of my sight." Sangwoo began walking forward, ending the conversation.

I am so sorry.

"Fuck you. I guess I was never meant to have your last name." You took your ring off and chucked it at him, hitting him square in the back of his head. And then, you took off running.

I am so sorry.

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