87: Killing & Stalking

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Sangwoo's eyes blinked open.

"Why are you hesitating?" He whispered quietly.

You stared down at him in silence.

"Do it, if you're going to do it." He frowned. "Or, well, if you're hesitating... Could I at least have a proper kiss before I die? It'd be fucking humiliating to get to Hell and not even have that."

Your face cracked and a massive frown appeared on your face, tears welling up in your eyes as your thumb quivered over the plunger.

But then, you let go of the needle and syringe and stepped back.

Worry lit up Sangwoo's eyes.

"What? No. Get back here and do it." He whispered, not wanting to wake up Yoon Bum.

You shook your head.

"No... No!" He raised his voice as you began walking out of the room. "Kill me! I need you to kill me! It's the only way I can feel better! I can't live like this!"

The scrawny man sat up abruptly as Sangwoo swung his legs out of bed, ripped the killing tool out of his neck and began to follow you.

But you were already out of the room, zooming to your own.

How humiliating. You thought to yourself. All this shit about killing him and I couldn't do it. I couldn't look him in the eyes and kill him. I guess I really am only meant to be a stalker.

You listened as Sangwoo called out in the hallway.

You heard his voice cracking as he called your name. "Please come back! Please! I won't even move! I'll lay however you want!"

That sounds different than how it is... You laughed a little as you wiped your face. But I'm meant to admire from afar. Or at least not kill him until he's boring. And he's definitely not boring yet.

"Please don't leave, my Shy..." You heard him punch his door in frustration. "Spend more time with me. Try and kill me again. Just don't go home."

Oh. You suddenly understood. Well, get rid of your stupid fucking toy for once. And then maybe we could talk. Maybe I can lure you away somehow. Maybe I can make something special for you so you know I still love you the absolute most. I don't have my body parts with me though... So I might have to get creative

But tonight wasn't going to be the night. Flustered from your embarrassing attempt at murder, from Sangwoo's request for a kiss and from the whole spectacle afterwards, the nap wasn't really saving you from exhaustion this time.

You fell into a peaceful slumber rather quickly.

Sangwoo on the other hand, wasn't going to sleep for the rest of the night. He took his snowboard out and began boarding down the hills by himself, desperately hoping for some miracle that would involve you coming out to talk to him. Perhaps you would ride up the ski lift with him and then at the tallest point, push him off of it. Or maybe, while boarding down a black diamond route, you would ensure that he hit a tree. Or finally, the easiest of all, maybe you would just ask him to jump off the cliffside.

"I'd say yes for you, Shy." His eyes watered as the cold air smacked against them. "But only in exchange for a kiss. I can't go to Hell without a kiss."

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