41: Sangwoo Makes A Play

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"I'm not that little..." You frowned as you worked your fingers through his hair.

Sangwoo closed his eyes and smiled, which made you smile and work harder to style his hair. It was thick and unruly, meaning you needed even more gel than you thought. As you turned to get more gel, his hands touched your waist lightly and tugged at you to sit on his lap.

"Oh, I-I-I d-d-don't know... T-this is p-pretty s-suggestive..." You stuttered quietly.

"I know, and you don't have to. I'm just in such a wonderful mood. If you won't sit on my lap here, would you do it on the couch?" He opened one eye to look at you.

"We don't have that much time..." You styled a few curls in the front of his hair and then closed his hair gel, handing it back to him.

He frowned.

"But I hardly got to touch you at all." He pouted.

"You shouldn't get to touch me at all. We're not married. Technically, I shouldn't be unsupervised and alone with you, but I think we both have a lot of extenuating circumstances." You stood your ground, pushing the gel towards him, until he finally sighed and took the gel from you huffily.

"I just want to fucking tell you about how I'm going to kill the bitch. Can't I even do that?" He had a sour look on his face now.

"Do I have to be in your lap to do that? You know I'll be watching it anyway." You followed him out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

"You're not even ready yet?" He asked the thing on the floor as he crouched down to its level. "And here we are waiting for you to be dressed. We have to leave soon. What? You can't do anything without me? Am I right?"

The creature looked stunned as you scowled at it from behind Sangwoo's back. You hated the stupid thing.

"What? Handsome? That cutie picked it out." Sangwoo began adjusting its appearance; tugging at its shirt collar and brushing its hair. "Today, you have to be a man, too."

You made an audible scoff. As if it has a choice. It's just a lowly beast. It can't just choose to be a man like you, Sangwoo.

He looked back at you, disapprovingly, as if you had scolded his pet.

"Today is a special day." He stood up finally and looked at you. "Don't look so disgusted." But that was part of his plan. "Are you going to let me tell you my plan or not, cutie?"

"Fine. But I want to go somewhere besides right here. I don't like being gawked at." You crossed your arms, still wearing the hoodie, and pouted. What made it even more humorous to Sangwoo though, was the fact that Bum wasn't looking at you at all. He knew that Bum was looking at him. But, it got you jealous enough to cuddle with him; and now to cuddle with him in the next best place; his bed.

"Good." He smiled. "I'll be good I swear."

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