54: They Know

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"You didn't drag that boy here under false pretenses did you?" Your mother cornered you in the kitchen. "Because we will not have another situation here like we did when you were in high school. That poor boy was never the same. He ran away, you know, that's how ashamed he was."

Yeah... he definitely ran away... You thought to yourself.

"No, mom, I swear... We're actually going to get married!" Your eyes sparkled with excitement.

"You're not taking your medicine. You're not and I know it. I knew we shouldn't have let you move out." She slapped her towel onto the counter. "You're not right. I don't believe you. I think that boy thinks he's here as your friend. Are you following him? Are you watching him?"

"I'm praying to God every night and I go to service every week. I don't do that stuff anymore!" You lied through your teeth. At least about the stalking part. "God helps me through it! I promise that I'm not doing that! I'm telling you the truth! You can ask him!"

"Young lady, I don't have to ask him because if he was an honest man of God, he would have asked your father for your hand in marriage and you'd have a ring on your finger." She huffed at you. "Your father is probably in there right now getting to the bottom of this. I want you to leave that poor boy alone, you hear me? You leave him alone. I won't embarrass you, but I won't have you embarrass us either."

And Sangwoo was getting something of an explanation, but he had to admit, it was a bit confusing.

"So what is the nature of your relationship with my daughter?" Your father asked him as he sipped on what seemed like old coffee.

She's my stalker and I get off to her degrading me over the microphone she planted in my bedroom?

"We met in University where I fell in love at first sight. I want to marry her."

The religious man choked on his drink.

"I'm sorry, did I mishear you?" He asked.

"No, sir." Sangwoo gave an honest smile. "The moment I met her, I felt like it was divine intervention and I asked her if she would marry me. She was just perfect for me. She felt the same way and now here I am. I, of course, wanted to meet her family. She would meet mine if they hadn't passed; God rest their souls."

This is too easy.

"I... I don't think you should." The man admitted openly, throwing Sangwoo for a loop. He had thought he played it perfectly.

"Wha-Why?" Sangwoo stuttered.

"She's likely not who you think she is. You see, as much as I love my daughter, and trust me, I love her as much as God allows me to and I try my best to do so, but she is severely mentally incapacitated. Of course, God only gives you what you can handle, which is why I'm telling you this now, but I'm afraid that we've given her too long a leash. Her mother is worried she's been off of her medication."

"I'm sorry, I'm not following." Sangwoo shook his head, confused.

"She seemed perfect for you because she's been stalking you. She made herself perfect for you. I'm almost sure of it." He shook his head. "I'm sorry you have to hear it from me."

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