42: Jealousy

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"Your clothes won't get too wrinkled, will they?" Sangwoo asked as he threaded one of his thick legs between yours and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"No, probably not." You assured him. You laid against his pillow and looked into his eyes. "Now, come on. We only have like ten minutes until we have to go. What do you need to tell me so badly?"

"I think I'm going to make Bum kill her, actually." Sangwoo whispered. "It's going to be so interesting. She's such an uppity bitch, it would really destroy her to be touched and murdered by such a loser. I'm going to give him a knife and I'm going to see if I can just talk him into it. It'll be so bloody. So warm. Mmm." You felt his heart rate quicken and saw his eyes roll back in his head. "How do you kill your people? I like knives and other sharp things."

"What if I was going to kill you, Sangwoo? Wouldn't I need to keep that a secret?" You whispered back. "You're always talking about murdering me, but I've killed people too. I can protect myself."

"Shy..." Sangwoo closed his eyes and hugged you tightly.

"...Yes?" You asked, looking around wildly.

"I think I just came in my pants a little."

"Ugh, gross. You're sick!" You pushed away from him as he chuckled.

"I'll let you keep that secret for now, but you better tell me before we get married, or I'll never walk down that aisle!" He sat up and laughed as you stood up and removed the hoodie. "Oh, and you can keep that, by the way. Keep it for the taxi ride home, in case you get cold."

"How caring... creep." You muttered as you headed towards the stairs.

"Me?! Me the creep?! You are literally the creepiest creep out there. Get in the car, you extra creep before you creep up the place." Sangwoo harassed you. "Bum, you too."

Before you even got out the door however, the thing was in the car, in the front seat.

"Sangwoo..." You whined as you looked at him.

"You creep you lose." He shrugged non-sympathetically at you.

You gave him an entirely disgusted face as you sat angrily in the backseat of the car. What Sangwoo thought was playful anger however, was actual fury. How DARE a beast get to sit next to YOUR future husband while YOU had to sit in the back?! It was not only degrading, but pitiful and embarrassing.

As Sangwoo started the car, you felt the anger build more and more throughout the silent car ride. You began scratching the words "I hate him" into the door of Sangwoo's car.

"What the fuck are you doing back there?" Sangwoo tried to look, but he quickly came up to the festival. "Hey," He turned his attention to the lump in what should have been your seat. "Concentrate."

After a few more turns and stops and starts, Sangwoo finally parked, and you undid your seat belt, expecting to get out. But instead, he turned to IT.

"Oh, what are we going to do?" He asked it, as if it was going to have something thoughtful to say. "Give me your hands."

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