29: Pancakes

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You gave it and shrugged back, realizing that you were better off just telling the truth on that front.

Sangwoo rolled it around his mouth like a fine wine. Then he tried his own last name. "Oh Shy..." He tried it with your nickname. "I like them."

You flashed a smile that caused Sangwoo to smile just slightly back as he resumed cooking pancakes.

"Aren't you going to join us at the table, Shy?" He asked without looking back at you. "It's cool that I just keep calling you that, right? Honestly, I like that better. Makes me feel like I know you already. I already do, right?"

"I think you do!" You scurried over to the table like a loyal pet. You were practically glowing to be able to eat at the same place as Sangwoo and not like the animal on the ground.

As you waited patiently, you scanned the surroundings. Everything looked clean, yet normal. The counters were open and the floors were clear. No blood, no dust.

"Can I help with anything, Sangwoo?" You asked to break the silence.

"Glad someone is being helpful." Sangwoo glared at Yoon Bum. "Grab the syrup from the refrigerator."

"Please." You stuck your tongue out at him as you stood up.

He looked taken aback and he scoffed.

"Please." He repeated as he blinked a few times before shaking his head and returning to his work.

You grabbed the syrup and plopped it on the table, sitting back down. Refusing to make eye contact with the thing on the floor, it only took Sangwoo a few more minutes to finish up the stack of pancakes. As he walked to the table, he set a few slices down in front of Yoon Bum first and then in front of you and finally in front of him. Then he took a seat.

Everyone waiting in silence.

"Well?" He stared at you. "Won't you eat, our esteemed guest?"

"You first." You insisted.

"No." His eyes darkened. "You take the first bite. Then, we will eat."

"Absolutely not." You smiled at him with sincerity.

"EAT THE FIRST FUCKING BITE!" He stood up abruptly and towered over you, scaring the creature on the floor, "DO YOU THINK WE FUCKING POISONED THE FOOD?"

"Of course not Sangwoo." You smiled even bigger at him. "I love you so much and have so much respect for you that I wouldn't dream of eating before you. Please. Allow me to even feed you the first bite."

He looked you in the eyes searching for any sign of insincerity. Any single look of deception. But it wasn't there. You only had admiration. After all, you were his number one stalker.

So slowly, he sat back down.

"May, I?" You motioned towards his plate with your own silverware, to which he nodded.

You cut up a small bite of his pancake and fed it to him, plain. He nodded and you smiled and giggled.

"I'm so glad you like it! I'll be happy to eat it now, Sangwoo! Thank you for the meal!" You cheered as you set you silverware down briefly to place syrup over your own pancakes.

"Y-You're welcome." He looked over at Yoon Bum who was avoiding eye contact at the uncomfortable situation.

As you continued to eat your own food, you blushed briefly.

"What is it?" He asked you.

"Oh, I just realized... indirect kiss! It's just... naughty!" You squealed.

He shook his head at you.

"I don't get you Shy... I really don't..."

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