73: Shoot Then

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"By 'shoot' do you mean with a gun?" Sangwoo asked calmly.

"That's right..." the officer noted.

"Looks like I'm cornered!" An insincere smile slithered onto his face as he laid his hand against his cheek. "Alright, shoot then."

"What?" The police officer was flabbergasted at the response he had just received. Who answered like that?

"You can shoot my arm or my leg and arrest me!" Sangwoo held his body open wide, defenseless.

You swooned, he's an absolute genius. If it's a bluff, then he won't shoot. If it isn't a bluff, he'll see the gun. And if he gets shot, then everyone will sympathize with the poor defenseless man who got shot in his own basement.

"You don't actually have a gun, do you?" A more authentic, sinister smile, crept onto Sangwoo's face.

"What makes you say that?" He was sweating now, visibly.

"You would've shown me the gun before you threatened me. And the way you spoke first was too suspicious..." Sangwoo began clapping slowly. "Were you investigating me on your own? Impressive~ I bet you didn't even get a warrant." 

Sangwoo laughed darkly.

"That's why you don't have a gun... or a girlfriend."

"What the hell are you talking about?" The officer widened his eyes.

Yeah, what are you talking about? You raised one eyebrow. But Sangwoo just moved on.

"Which means..." Raising his knife, Sangwoo clearly was moving towards the offensive. "Even if I kill you right now... No one will suspect me. You poor fool."

Within a flash and with a crash that made you jump, a chair was flung at Sangwoo, knocking him backwards. The police officer ran upstairs

You watched as a flurry of a fight scene broke out. Everyone running upstairs. The officer trying and failing the lock Sangwoo in the basement. Sangwoo avoiding a taser that seemed to appear from nowhere. That idiot of a waste of space getting in the way. And finally, the fight moving to the kitchen.

"Excuse me! Why are you going all the way over there?! Let's finish this here!" Sangwoo sounded a little exasperated.

And this is why your method isn't as good as mine. You thought as you clenched your desk with white knuckles. The element of surprise is always better than brute force. 

Especially when the officer didn't listen. Because why would he?

"ARGH! YOU ARE QUITE THE PAIN, SIR! YOU'LL MESS UP MY FLOOR!" Sangwoo screamed, as if that was honest-to-God his biggest concern right now.

As he followed the stranger into the kitchen, a table was shoved into his leg.

"You're so mean." He sighed. "You fight like a damn kid."

And you fight like a caveman. You rolled your eyes at Sangwoo. 

"BOO!" Sangwoo laughed maniacally as he stalked over to the scared man. "Haha, should I play like a damn kid too, then?"

Stripping his hoodie off, he threw it into the officer's face and rushed him with the knife. Briefly, you admired the view: his bicep and thigh muscles on full display. But you saw it before Sangwoo did.

The officer had caught the knife. Sangwoo had aimed for the the femoral artery, a good choice, but risky. And this guy was trained. As you bit your lip nervously, you thought one thing to yourself. Things weren't looking good. 

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