10: It

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Your brain and heart were on fire. You got to talk to Sangwoo. SANGWOO!!! You were soaring! Your pupils were practically contracted into a heart shape. And he didn't reject you. Sure, maybe he called you a creep, but he wanted to keep talking to you. He wasn't happy to have to take care of that lesser stalker. He was happy to have gotten to talk to you.

The man however, wasn't quite awake yet. Sangwoo took this opportunity to do your favorite thing ever: Strip down and work out. Perhaps you wouldn't admit it out loud, but you were pretty sure you had a fetish for muscles. Or at least you did now.

And this went on for a whole week.

The stranger groaned and mumbled "it hurts..." over and over as you watched Sangwoo perform increasingly difficult push-ups. He kept looking up at the ceiling, perhaps looking for your cameras.

You would have loved to have spoken to him. To tell him how much you admired his hard work on his body. But instead, you had to sit here and drool over him.

"It hurts!"

"Shut up!" Sangwoo yelled as he threw a bottle of pain pills at the man. "Don't you ever get tired of it? Whine whine whine. I guess you're not too good at listening either..."

"I am, Sangwoo!" You said to yourself happily. "In fact, my best skill might even being listening!"

Sangwoo picked up a can of food and popped the lid off.

"It's already been a week. I even got you painkillers and bandaged it because you were bitching so much... Aren't you overreacting too much?"

"Uh, yes." You answered for him. "Can't you get on with killing it, Sangwoo? We haven't gotten to talk at all."

"Look at you..." Sangwoo kneeled over him. "All skin and bone... Where's the fat?"

"I've got plenty for you Sangwoo." You smiled as you watched this exchange.

"Whatever." He continued. "It won't be as fun cutting you, but..."

"Yes, yes, yes!" You cheered as you pressed your face closer to the screen. You were practically drooling as Sangwoo pressed the lid into the guy's collarbone, splitting him open like a peach.

"Since I need to punish you..." Sangwoo ignored the scream.

"I can't believe this thing is getting you hard, Sangwoo." You scoffed, disapprovingly. "I could do so much better if you would only marry me."

Sangwoo sighed as he watched the scrawny man on the floor piss himself. You thought maybe this would be the point at which Sangwoo would decide to kill this weirdo called Yoon Bum. But of course, since nothing ever went that well for you, Sangwoo decided to drag this Yoon Bum up towards his bathroom.

"Ugh. I'll never get to talk to Sangwoo again with that thing lurking around. I guess I'll have to go back to writing letters." You grumbled as you sharpened the pencil you had been gripping. "Don't disappoint me Sangwoo. I want you to be a killer."

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