50: Frustration

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"Let me go!!" Ji Eun screamed as Sangwoo grabbed her in a choke hold and dragged her out of the bedroom and down to the stairs to the basement.

"Move out of the way, Bum." Sangwoo demanded as the thing followed behind him like the animal it was.

"Let go of me! Fuck!" Ji Eun screamed. "Let! Go! Sangwoo! Sangwoo! Don't be like this!"

Sangwoo rolled his eyes and dragged her down the stairs by her neck.

"Sangwoo please!! I was wrong!" She screamed.

He ignored her, of course, he was great at doing that. Instead, he held her thin wrists together and pinned her to the floor. You wondered if he was going to have sex with her again.

Hopefully not. You thought.

"Let me go! Let go!"

"Oh my goodness, please be quiet!" You whined. "So annoying! I would have knocked you out by now! What is Sangwoo thinking?"

Sangwoo must not have been thinking, because Ji Eun's fist slipped from his grip and went right for his eye.

"Sangwoo!" You covered your mouth, worried for him as he covered his injury and let out a groan.

"Help me!" The stupid bitch screamed as she ran up the stairs.

The strong man quickly recovered however, and felt around for a projectile. His hand quickly found what he was looking for: a wrench. And he chucked it at her.

"WOO!" You called out, thrilled by the excitement. You quickly quieted back down, remembering that people were sleeping. But you were excited. Pumped. And admittedly, a little bit turned on as you watched Sangwoo drag her back down and tie her down. Then, he invited the creature back down. "WHAT?!"

You were having such a problem keeping quiet tonight, and you chalked it up to being extra tired. So you wrapped yourself up in a blanket and cuddled your pillow as you sat on your bed, watching the violence unfold before you.

"Sangwoo... Sangwoo, help me... I was wrong... If you let me go, I won't tell anyone about this." Ji Eun begged.

"They always beg." You shook your head. "Jungkook begged too. Hyuna probably would have if she had any time."

"I'll quit school and live like a dead rat!" She continued. "I'll do anything!"

"Anything?" Sangwoo looked at her curiously.

"Oh, don't be a boar, Sangwoo." You scowled.

Sangwoo pushed the stupid creature into a chair and unbuttoned and unzipped its pants.

"Anything is good." He continued talking as he stripped it down.

"Sa-Sangwoo!" It cried out.

"Then, have sex with my Bumi~" Sangwoo cheered. "Then, I'll send you home."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You screeched. And then, you shut your laptop, fuming. You couldn't take it anymore.

Laying on your bed, you screamed into your pillow and you pouted and you whined and you kicked your feet in a fit of rage. Why was he teasing you like this? Why was he undressing that thing and letting him be involved in killing the girl? Why didn't you get to come home with him and kill her?

"Sangwoo, I'm so mad with you!" You shrieked into your pillow. "But I don't want to miss anything that important!"

So you laid down for a few more minutes and then finally took a deep breath.

"I'm going to send him some organs." You pouted, sighing. "I should send him Hyuna's heart. Or her ovaries or something. NO! Jungkook's penis. Yes. Sold."

You stood up and prepared the gift. It would be absolutely perfect.

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