48: Go Home

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"Don't go back inside with them, Shy." He rubbed his face against yours and exhaled. "I couldn't stand to see any more. I'm leaving soon anyway."

"Wh-Wh-Wh-Why would I-I-I listen to you?" You responded breathlessly. But you were blown away by his touch. Oh, how you loved Sangwoo. You needed him. And he knew that. "I-I-I should f-follow you home and k-kill everyone who t-talks to you."

"Mm. Stop talking so dirty to me." Sangwoo bit his lip. "Can't you see how much I'm holding back here? I'll get you a taxi. Go home."

"S-Say you're sorry." You looked in his eyes. "Please?"

"For?" Sangwoo was confused.



"You don't love that thing."


"I'm waiting."

"That's my toy. Of course I don't love it." He admitted. "But he needs to hear it in order to keep playing the game. So you need to relax."

"No." You pouted as Sangwoo shook his head.

"Was I cool tonight at least?" He asked as he lifted you off of the fence and escorted you to the street.

"Very cool, Sangwoo. You're so good. Much better than that girl. And you looked so handsome up there. It's no wonder you're so popular. I hope I don't make you look uncool when I'm your wife." You smiled at him and he had to admit that his heart melted just a little bit.

"Nah, you couldn't. You just need to stutter like ten percent less." He chuckled. "Taxi!"

He turned to you as a car pulled up and kissed your hair softly.

"Go. Home. Don't you dare go to my house." He looked in your eyes as he tucked some cash in your hand.

"Fine, but I'm going to watch."

Sangwoo straightened up and shifted from one foot to another.

"You're welcome to... but you probably won't want to... Whatever... Just remember... You promised! Good night, Shy." He waved as he walked back inside, setting his plan in motion.

As you rode home that night, you swooned. Despite the idiocy that Sangwoo sometimes displayed, he was, of course, normally the most perfect human being ever. How couldn't he be? He was just born like that, you thought.

But as you yawned and opened your home, you decided that it was actually a bit late for you to fully creep on the rest of Sangwoo's evening. So you settled for watching the affair from your laptop in bed with the sound turned off. Like one of those old movies. Then, you could even pretend to fill in the blanks about what they were saying.

Laughing to yourself, you got the whole thing set up and you changed into some modest pajamas. Looking at your phone, you noticed you had a text from your mother.

Mother: Someone you want us to meet?... Okay... I guess Monday for dinner will be okay... Meatless Monday remember.

Daughter: Thanks, Mom! He's really nice, I promise!

Mother: Okay, my daughter...

You frowned. She always seemed so skeptical of your happiness. She could never just be happy for you. What kind of good religious woman was that?

The thought escaped your mind however, as you watched Sangwoo throw the vile creature into a closet in his room.

This is going to be interesting.

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