98: The Unexpected

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"What are you doing, beautiful?" His voice wafted through the air behind you, causing you to smile.

"Are you going to kill me, Sangwoo?" You asked him, in the same tone of voice.

"I thought about it. I mean, I did bring you up to this wonderfully secluded area with a baseball bat." His arms wrapped around your waist and you let him, surprising Sangwoo just a bit.

"You know," You rubbed his muscular bicep, admiring it deeply, as if it were made of gold. "It didn't even cross my mind. I just came with you to this place. I didn't ask you at all."

"What do you make of that?" You felt Sangwoo bury his head in your hair, muffling his voice, which sounded relieved.

"I'm tired of stalking you Sangwoo." You laid your head against his arm. "And I'm not scared of you."


"I guess the only thing left to do is marry you." You smiled to yourself. "That is..."

"Is what?" His body melted onto yours, pleased with the contact.

"If somewhere on that list, you're handling the last known stalker in your life." The smile on your face turned wicked.

"Oh, you evil, evil woman." Sangwoo chuckled. "I'll take care of it. I promise."

"What's next on the list?" You asked, quietly.

"You don't like this?"

"I do. But it's not what we're doing all day, is it?"

"I could."

"What else are we doing?"

"Well... The car's totaled."


"So it's going to be a long ass wait until the tow truck comes and we can go to the next spot on the list."

"Ugh." You emphasized the shortness of the groan. "And you want to--"

"Do something absolutely sinful to you." You felt his lips tickle your neck and your face heated up.

"No!" You squeaked.

"Yes." He liked how you were wiggling against him. He liked it a lot. "How else are we going to pass the time?"

"Prayer circle! Bible app on my cell phone! Sing-a-long hymns!" You suggested pathetically. "Anything else but that!"

His hand dragged up your thigh, lightly. Tingling sensations flew up your body, and you melted right back into Sangwoo.

"It doesn't feel like you want to do something else, my gorgeous wife-to-be." He whispered as he felt your fingers wrap around his hand.

Slowly, you raised his hand up, touching the tips of his index and middle finger to your mouth, your tongue grazing his finger pads.

Suddenly, Sangwoo stepped back, releasing you and letting out a sigh of discomfort.

You turned around to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"S-Sorry..." He rubbed the back of his head and laughed awkwardly. "It was a joke until you stopped resisting so much!"

"I wasn't going to let anything happen!" You laughed at his sudden sheepishness.

"Well, you said you don't even feel like stalking me anymore, so who knows!?" He plopped down on the ground and beckoned you over. "I just wasn't mentally prepared for our first kiss..."

"Am I supposed to prepare?" You sat next to him, tossing your legs over his lap and laying your head on his shoulder; he was like putty in your hands right now. And you loved it.

"Maybe you could... you could kiss my cheek again."

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