4: Those Before Him

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Jungkook had been the first. You figured that you might have loved him, but if anything you just had crush. He was incredibly cute and incredibly nice. But he killed animals in his spare time. How interesting was that?! Here was this compassionate and caring human being who had no regards for life other than human. It disgusted you a bit— you loved animals probably more than humans— but it also made you like him more. Would he share his darkest secret with you? Is that what true love is?

He told his parents and they called the cops. It had been unfortunate that he was so jumpy with someone planting cameras in his bedroom, but you couldn't blame him. Of course without an introduction someone would be nervous about such a thing. It was your fault; you should have introduced yourself via letter first. So poor Jungkook had to die before you even really got to know him.

Next had been Hyuna. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful but wow, was she a sadist. She would bring home men and women alike and practically torture them. Then, she would blackmail them with photos she took of them during certain embarrassing portions of the acts. It was genius really, but she let them go. And that's how you heard of her, through gossip in your classes.

You were much more delicate this time around, you wrote her notes and letters. Maybe you didn't love her so much at the beginning as admire her, but nonetheless you felt the same compulsion follow— stalk— this woman. And she did play back for a while.

She looked for the camera briefly, but you were better at hiding them now. And she would speak out loud to you, as Sangwoo did. And that was when you fell for her, you supposed. You were so nice to her and she was sweet to you. But apparently, you were so nice that Hyuna decided she wanted to meet you. Wanted to date you. She stopped bringing other people over to torture, to prove her devotion.

That was too far. Maybe you loved her, but it wasn't the kind of love that she had for you. You found her interesting and wanted to watch her and interact with her from a distance. She was practically begging you to meet her towards the end.

And that was disgusting to you. Why couldn't she just be watched from afar? Why did she want more? Or was she just trying to trick you and get you to go into her torture dungeon? It crossed a point when she started asking people about you. If they knew anyone good with cameras, spreading the knowledge of some of the more personal things you shared in your letters.

So all in one swift move, you both granted her wish and ended her life. It was pretty satisfying, honestly. She was getting boring and you didn't see a future with her. The blood was the best part after all.

You sighed and looked at the clock. Five more minutes and I can go home and check the cameras. He should be home about fifteen minutes after that.

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