6: Stranger in the House

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"Man I really need to take care of that thing in the basement." Sangwoo mumbled to himself as he grabbed the mail from his mailbox. "Oh awesome. A letter from my favorite stalker. I'll read it after I say hello to my...cousin..."

It had been a little more than a week since you had last communicated with Sangwoo directly and you were getting a little hasty. And right now you were extremely agitated. Someone was in his house and he didn't even know it. And you didn't want to speak out loud with this new person in the house either, so warning him was out of the question. Instead, you had to sit and wait. Finally, you saw Sangwoo approach his door, biting your nails as you watched him look up. Then his eyes narrowed and you breathed a sigh of relief.

The day had begun like this.

It was pretty boring waiting for Sangwoo to get home normally, however today that other stalker had shown up. And he had been successful in getting inside.

Dumb luck. You thought to yourself. And serious dedication. That's all that was. But truthfully, you were a little impressed that he had been able to break into Sangwoo's house.

"Sangwoo's house. Sangwoo was here a few hour ago..." The stalker took a huge inhale, causing you to cringe from the gross sound. "Haha... I can't smell anything!"

He was polite enough to take off his shoes, but you were worried that he might wander into the basement... where a certain thing was being kept.

But instead, he went straight for the bedroom. Laying down on Sangwoo's futon, smelling his pillow, rubbing his face all over it. Then it happened.

"Ahh... Wait... Sangwoo... Not there...!" He was rubbing Sangwoo's pillow between his legs in a sickening display of arousal. "I can't today~ Mmm... HA..."

And now you were here.


Even you were startled by the loud noise and you jumped in your seat, scattering popcorn everywhere.

"Dang it..." You began cleaning quickly, scared to miss some of the action.

The man wandered to the closet which contained the secret basement. Unlocking the hatch and opening it, you were on the edge of your seat, seeing what would happen next. Would he get the police involved? Would this be the end of Sangwoo?

"Hmm... It's too dark to see..."

Strained yells echoed throughout the basement.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" The guy fell backwards in shock. There was an almost naked woman, tied and beaten in front of him. "H-Hey! Are you okay!?"

He removed the blindfold and gag.


"H-hey! Calm down..."


You almost couldn't help but jump up and down in your chair in excitement. Only you knew what was coming next.

"Um... let me untie you first..."


"N-no I just... wanted to untie you..." The man continued to speak, totally ignorant.

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" You cheered out loud as Sangwoo wound up his baseball bat behind this stranger.

This was getting very good.

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