93: Women

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"I wonder why that woman..." Sangwoo walked back over to the mother. "was so different from you?"

Because women are all different from each other. Regardless of who that woman is, we obviously aren't her. You pouted. You hated being compared to other women in anything but a positive light.

"You aren't like other girls." You would hear all the time; from your parents, from school, from men.

"What's wrong with the other girls? I like girls. They're better than men most of the time." 

You felt like you might have misinterpreted that sometimes, thinking back on it, but you still felt the same way. Unless the sentence was going to be: "You are awesome, just like all the other women I know" you didn't want to hear it. That is, if the other women were being righteous and holy. You certainly weren't going to be compared to those who weren't.

"No matter how bad your son is..." Sangwoo's voice pulled you out of your thoughts. "You can forgive him. That's what they call parental love. I wish my Shy would forgive me. Obviously she's already taken a step towards it. In fact, she wouldn't even kill me the other day, even after I begged her. Just like her, you're a... truly warm, gently... and prepared... mom. Well, she's not a mom, but you get the gist. That kid's gonna forget everything difficult that's happened. He's happy to have been able to meet you."

Her sobs rang out in the woods and suddenly, you were surprised by another sound. Sangwoo's own tears joined in the mis.

"Even though I only met you for the first time today! I can tell!" He paused, crouched above her again. "But what about me? What am I supposed to do? How do I get my wife-to-be back? How do I tell her how much I miss her and how much I need her? How do I take back the awful things I said?"

His hands wrapped around the lady's throat.

"Help me out, here. You're a mom, aren't you?" He began choking her as tears ran down his face. 

"Erkkk... erk!" She choked.

"Does it hurt? I told you, didn't I?" His voice cascaded into your ears and you watched with fervor. "I told you to pay attention to him, so he doesn't cause trouble. You weren't giving him enough attention!!"

She weakly kicked out as her life left her body.

"Ah! I guess you wouldn't know, since you've never given birth!!" His face was flushed and wet. Choking people to death was harder work than the average citizen might have thought. But suddenly, he switched psyches, surprising you. "You demon bitch! Are you crazy!? Trying to blame me for it!? How could you do that to me!? Fucking bitch!? Disgusting slut! You damn bitch!!"

Suddenly, Sangwoo looked over, as if he had heard something. And then he screamed.

"Go away!! Get back! Stop it!!" 

Things were taking an odd turn and you weren't sure what to do. He tripped over a branch and face planted into the snow.

"N-No! Stop it!" Looking over at the dead body, he shrieked. And then, he began to run.

"No!" You shouted as you jumped down from the tree, grabbing your board. "Sangwoo! Stop!"

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