69: Learning

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A can of porridge greeted Bum's head as Sangwoo yanked your arm, pulling you up the stairs swiftly. He could hardly contain himself. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and he thought he was going to get so turned on by it. And he was excited to see if you were going to get off on it too.

"I'm going to take my shirt and my belt off, but I'll keep my jeans on, cool?" he checked with you, but already began to strip, indicating that he was really only asking as a courtesy to you.

"Do I need to--"

"No. Just relax, babe." He laid down in his bed on top of his covers, his back against the wall and beckoned you over. "Come lay on me."

You hesitated, but held your hand out to him. Gently, he pulled you onto him so that his thick thigh rested between your thighs and your chest rested on his.

"S-s-so, what are w-we doing?" You stuttered nervously.

"I'm going to show you what a sixty-nine is. I'm going to show you what it's going to feel like on you on your fingers and I'm going to teach you how to suck me off, that way you're better when it really happens and you're not so nervous." He stroked your hair as he hummed contentedly.

"Ohhhh golly..." You hummed back nervously, as he lifted your hand.

"Relax." He kissed your knuckles. "Which do you want first? You or me?"

"You." You shook your hand, surprised you were letting this happen.

"Alright." He took your hand and began running his tongue along your three middle-most fingers. "You need to use your tongue to start. The bottom side is more sensitive, so focus on that."

A shiver ran up your spine as he continued running his tongue up and down your fingers, kissing and sucking occasionally.

"Then, take just the tip into your mouth and suck on it gently." He modeled it for you, closing his eyes as you closed your own. It was getting really hot where you were laying for some reason. Then, he released to speak again. "Then, start moving your mouth deeper and deeper. Keep trying to either suck or lick with your tongue. Don't get lazy, but also don't forget to breath. It'll definitely be too much to all fit in your mouth, so you can just touch the rest with your hand."

He began sliding your fingers deeper and deeper into your mouth and you felt your core become hot and sticky as your watched the sexy man beneath you do naughty things to your hand in front of you. Gulping, you withheld from doing anything at all.

"Got it?" He withdrew and looked at you. You nodded. "Good. Because at the same time you're doing that, I'm going to be doing this to you."

He spread your index and middle finger apart into a V-shape and glided his tongue between them. Up and down, his tongue explored as his lips kissed at them, teasing you, pretending that it was your currently tortured lower body. With shallow breaths, you tried to resist letting out any noise of contentment, until finally, Sangwoo stopped and looked at you.

"How are you feeling, future wifey?"

"Y-Y-You've turned me on, Sangwoo." You admitted. "S-So take me home."

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