97: Just Smashing

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"Marry me." Sangwoo requested once again, this time getting down on one knee, just far enough away from the car. He opened the envelope and presented you with the ring you had originally picked out.

You looked at it and you looked at him. Cheekily, he cocked his head to the side and smiled. And you couldn't help but smile back.

"Oh, fine!" Your smile grew even bigger as you hugged him while he lifted you up into the air.

"Thank God."

"Yes! See? Thank God indeed! I prayed for us to get better and we did!" You cheered.

"I thought you were going to kill me?" He chuckled, setting you down.

"Well this was after that whole thing." You nodded and shrugged, as if were a casual conversation.

"I'll thank literally anyone, honestly." Sangwoo stepped forward and hugged you again. "But you are not going to thank me after this..."

"After what?" You pulled back a bit, worried about what was going to happen.

"We've still got two days left of break, right?" Sangwoo asked. "Then just study week, finals week and we graduate."

"Yeah, I think." You shrugged. "What won't I be happy about?"

"You love me right?"

"Of course... but what won't I be happy about?"

"You like spending the day with me?"

"Of course. But what won't I be happy about?"

"We're not having kids anytime too soon right?"

"Not intentionally..."

"So you believe in birth control?"

"Yeah, of course." You rolled your eyes.

"Don't 'of course' me, you pick and choose what you believe in!" Sangwoo walked over to his trunk as he spoke to you

"What am I not going to be happy about?" You asked exasperatedly.

"I'm going to smash this fucking piece of trash inheritance car." Sangwoo admitted, growing a dark look on his face. "Please, if you could, if you won't give me a bit of privacy, at least stand far enough away I know you won't get hurt by any glass."

You had a lot of questions on your mind. What kind of money do you have for a new car right now? Why did it matter if we were going to have kids soon? Will smashing this car really help him get over this psychosis?

But you didn't ask them. If you had learned one thing about Sangwoo, it was that questions had a time and place. And right now, was smashing time; for sure.

"SHUT UP!" You jumped as he screamed, swinging the bat down for the first time. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!"

It was best to listen, you thought, and give him a little bit  of privacy. So you went for a brief walk, not far from the sound of smashing glass and you thought about your ring.

He'll handle it, he said... You looked down at the perfect piece of jewelry that you had picked out with your husband-to-be. He better. Or this is going right back at his head. Or better yet, right up his ass. And then I'll call him a butthead and he'll have to cope with that insult.

You giggled to yourself, thinking how happy you actually were to be back with your killer. And then, you wondered what was next on the list.

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