60: No One Has Time For That

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"Hey, Shy! I didn't expect to see you here! Are you working on your creative writing project?" Dongyu asked you politely as you bumped into him in the coffee shop on campus.

"Y-Yes! I c-c-can't believe we h-h-have to edit o-over b-b-break." You stuttered, but kept eye contact with the man.

"Seriously. I'm not going to lie, your paper was a little weird to read, but you're a really good writer and editor. Could you edit mine again? I'll do yours too. I'm a little more numb to it now."

"S-S-Sure. Do you w-w-want to c-come over t-to my h-house?" You asked nicely. You really did need some helping editing your paper and he had done a pretty good job doing it with the first draft.

"That sounds fine. Let me grab my coffee and we can just head over. Is it within walking distance?" Dongyu walked up to the counter when his name was called and grabbed his drink as you nodded.

It's a shame he's so nice. You thought as you showed him the way to your residence. If he was a little bit more sick and twisted secretly, he might be actually interesting.

In all honesty, you were a little bit bored with Sangwoo being away.

"Oh, are you engaged recently?" Dongyu noticed the ring on your finger, which you had forgotten to take off.

"Y-Yeah." You twirled it nervously.

"To who? Someone at school?" He asked, sipping on his drink and readjusting his backpack.

"S-Sangwoo." You glanced up at the large man to gauge his reaction.

He spit his coffee in the air and stopped walking briefly.

"Well, no shit!? That's bonkers. You know, I wouldn't believe it, if I didn't remember you two sneaking off when we all got together. Sangwoo wasn't interested in Ji Eun at all anymore as soon as he found you. That dude must have been head-over-heels for you because I kid you not, he was on a hell-hunt for you before that, too. Like, you're really pretty, don't get me wrong, but the guy must have intended to marry you on the spot because that's the only explanation." Dongyu laughed as he resumed walking.

"Y-Yeah, h-he and I a-a-are in l-l-love..." You sighed. "H-He's away r-right now. I m-miss him.... This is m-my house."

You unlocked the door and walked Dongyu inside, shutting and locking the door behind you.

"S-Sit where ever... I will g-g-go g-get my p-paper..." You left the room and began gathering some supplies that you thought you might need.

Dongyu decided to sit at the small kitchen table you had and took out his own draft. He had gotten pretty far on the whole "shooting yourself in the kneecap" story and as he sipped his coffee, he felt pretty confident about this round of editing.

"Hey, Shy, you don't think I should make it about a real war going on right now, right? The fictional war is probably more appropriate. I think it'd be more research anyway and I don't have time for that."

"Y-Yeah..." You came back in the room, noticing where he had chosen to sit. "No one has time for that."

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