64: Why

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"Get in." Sangwoo pointed at his bed, still messy from his recent slumber.

"Oh, I don't think I'm really comfortable getting in your bed while you're dressed like tha--"

"Get. In." Sangwoo still had the knife in his hand as he crossed his arms.

"Promise me you won't kiss my lips and you won't do anything to violate me." You looked up at him with big, puppy-dog eyes.

Sangwoo in turn, rolled his eyes exaggeratedly and sighed.

"No, obviously not. Get in the bed before I cut you for fun." He threatened you, pointing the knife at your nose.

"Get your stupid knife out of my face," You mumbled, turning away and getting into bed.

"What's with you today? You're awfully brave and out of character." He set his knife on his bedside table and crawled in after you.

You shrugged as you turned to face him. Sangwoo shifted and adjusted until he had your hand laying on his rib cage and your leg laying on top of his legs. He looked you in the eyes and waited for a better response.

"It wasn't any fun to kill him. Plus, he's in my class and we've been seen together. It wasn't a great move." Your thumb stroked the hard bone of his rib as you spoke. "He was a nice guy."

"Then why did you kill him?" Sangwoo raised his eyebrows at you.

"Because I knew you would want me to." You looked up at him, innocently; as if you hadn't just murdered someone.

"Oh, man." Sangwoo inhaled deeply and exhaled as he closed his eyes. "How did you kill him?"

"I haven't told you before, why would I tell you now?" You asked him

"Because I wasn't threatening your life before." He stroked your cheek gently as he kept his eyes closed.

"I'm tired, Sangwoo." You whined. "I just did all that and I had to do all the chopping and preservation and ugh."

"Tell me how, young lady." He pulled you close to him, causing the tempo of your heartbeat to increase exponentially. He was so bare and so well muscled.

The devil must be in the room with us. You thought with an exhale.

"When are we going to get married?" You asked him earnestly.

"Eh, how about we just make it official this week?" He sighed again, tired.

"Wh-wh-wh-what?!" You stuttered out of surprise.

"That's my lady." Sangwoo smiled and pulled your head into his chest. "So, if you're done trying to swerve around my question, then I'm ready to hear what you have to say."

You let out a long whine, muffled by the fact your face was pushed into Sangwoo's chest.

"Will you spend the rest of the day with me?" You asked.

"Why do you have so many fucking questions?" He rolled his eyes, but held you close, relishing the feeling of your body against his. He was surprised that you were indulging him, but then again, he was threatening your life so unless you were a total idiot then you would have to have some self-preservation.

"Because I missed you so much and I love you and I want you to love me too?" You tried this tactic, to see if he would let you not say anything about your methods.

"I love you too, Shy. Now, spill it. How did you kill him?"

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