39: Outfit #1

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You shivered as you sat down.

"Do you always live in an igloo?" You asked him, "You don't even have a blanket on your bed for me."

"Here." He whipped his hoodie and flung it at your face. It was so large and hit you with such force however, that you were knocked completely over.

Sangwoo couldn't help but crack up, walk over to you, sit down and pull you into his lap.

"There, there, sweet woman," He laughed more, "I didn't mean to hurt you with my large sweatshirt."

"You bully!" You scowled at him as you slipped it over your body.

His ran his fingers through your hair, straightening it out and laid his cheek on your head.

"Sorry." He chuckled more.

You ran your fingers along his bulging biceps, recognizing now just how close and bare he was to you now. Your face got hot, once again and you felt like the devil had snuck into the room and was throwing temptation straight into your face.

"No... it's okay now." Your head leaned back into his comfortably. "Go get dressed in the bathroom or something."

"One, no, I'm going to get dressed here in my own room. Two, it's awfully hard to do that when you snuggle in closer. Three... well, three I just wanted to let you know that you can touch more than my arms, sweetheart." The last part, he simply whispered in your ear, causing your entire face to light up like a fire engine: bright red.

"I'm going to pass out." You mentioned.

"Alright, alright, chill, chill." He shook his head. "Just close your eyes while I change or look away."

Lightly, he set you back down on the futon.

"You better give me your honest opinion too." He gave you a stern look. "Or I'm going to tell your parents that you're a big, fat stalker!"

"Pfah." You rolled you eyes. "They already know I'm not right."

"Really? That's interesting." He looked at you as he hooked his hands into his pants. In response, you pulled the hood over your eyes. Inhaling deeply, you took in the wonderful, deep smell of Sangwoo. It was amazing; almost like the smell of when someone first wakes up mixed with a woody cologne.

"It's whatever. You smell so good, Sangwoo."

"I smell even better up close, you know." He mentioned as he began pulling on parts of the first suit.

"I'll find out when you marry me." You rolled your eyes.

"You're actually against smelling me too?" He shook his head to himself. "I can't believe you. Are you even doing this for your own morals or are you just a masochist? Because I can dominate you like no other right now and get you off no problem, you just have to say the wor--"

"It's my morals. And I will smell you. It's just the temptation that comes with it. If it happens naturally and I feel in control of my own decisions, then I won't worry about it." You explained. "But you're always, always, always trying to seduce me."

"I am not! Open your eyes!" Sangwoo demanded.

You looked up and saw him in a brown suit.

"Ick. Next."

"Ouch, too fucking honest Shy. Damn. Fine." He held his hand to his heart. "You're lucky my heart didn't break..."

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