103: Never Wanted That

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You watched on your phone, entranced by the scene playing out on the screen.

"All we have left is each other!!" The gross uncle screamed. You could hear him through the door as well. "SAY IT!!"

"I don't think so." Sangwoo's voice said calmly from behind as he wrapped plastic around the old man's face.

"MMF!" It was only seconds before Sangwoo's strong grip overpowered the stranger. "What!? Mmf! Erk!"

"Haha! Did I scare you?" Sangwoo asked with a crazed smile to the cowering creature on the floor as he held a hammer in his hand. It looked like it might pass out from fear, so you figured the answer was yes.

"Sangwoo!" It's greedy little voice called out.

"Now, then..." He pulled the hammer back with wide, psychotic, sexy eyes.

You felt your body growing hot as the rhythmic thudding of metal against bone and flesh rang out both behind you in the house and through your phone.

That's my husband in there. 

The thought turned you on.

And the fact that you could do something about that fact got you going even more. You wanted to walk right in there and tell Sangwoo, but you knew that wasn't the way to go about it. You needed to sit out here on the porch and wait for him to come get you.

"Hmm." Sangwoo looked up, with half-lidded, lustful eyes. "What do you think? Do you like it?"

I like it, Sangwoo, my love. You thought to yourself.

"Ack, it's dripping everywhere..." Sangwoo pushed the body away a bit. "Bring me a towel."

And pull your pants up. It's sickening.

"Stop spacing out and get me a towel." Sangwoo threw a phone at the stupid thing to get it moving. The same phone he had used to contact the dead guy.

"My cellphone..." It squeaked. "Did you... call my uncle from my phone?"

Sangwoo let a smug smile creep across his face.

"What's with your expression? Isn't this what you wanted?" He asked. "Whenever I brought him up, your expression would get so... dark... Didn't you want to kill him?"

"I never wanted that..." It looked down.

"You wanted someone to kill him for you." Sangwoo corrected himself.

"...I never wanted that..."

"You did." Sangwoo corrected it.


Not cool. It's even crying. How disgusting.

"WHY DID YOU CALL HIM HERE?! WHY?!" It unleashed unbridled anger on your husband, upsetting you profusely. "WE WERE DOING FINE!! WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM?!I NEVER WANTED TO KILL HIM!" It fell onto the floor in dismay and you noticed Sangwoo's annoyed face. At least the plan was working. "What I wanted was to never meet him again!! What can't you understand that!? YOU'RE CRAZY!!

"Well, now I'm not sure what I should do. Do you feel somehow attached to him because of what you two did together?" Sangwoo shook the bloody head around.

"Ugh! Aarrgh!" It cried on the floor instead of responding.

"You're so damn dramatic. Just like that woman." Me? Or his mother? You wondered. "I hate that."

And with that, he dropped the dead body and left to see you.

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