56: Tantrum

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Sangwoo turned to you abruptly, highly disturbed by your tears. His forehead scrunched together with worry and he wanted to stop your tears immediately.

"Hey, don't cry..." He tilted his head to the side and looked towards your parents, who shook their heads.

"It's a ploy," Your mother sighed. "Look, if you--"

"I love Sangwoo! I want to marry him and you don't want me to be happy!" You cried and threw yourself onto his shoulder. "They want you to leave me, Sangwoo!"

Almost involuntarily, he wrapped his arms around you.

"She's really upset..." Sangwoo narrowed his eyes at your parents as he tried to calm you down. "Can't you both just lay off of her for a little bit? I really do promise she's okay. I wasn't tricked into anything... "

"You don't know her." Your father scolded Sangwoo. "Don't think that you do."

"HE KNOWS ME! I LOVE HIM AND HE KNOWS ME BETTER THAN YOU!" You screamed at him as you wrapped your arms and legs around Sangwoo, upping the ante several more levels.

"Young lady, you need to calm down this minute! You're clearly not anywhere near stable! We're going to have to call someone to help you if you can't help yourself. There's no way we can let you just go without--" Your mother began, but was quickly cut off.

"Alright, alright, we're done. We're done." Sangwoo stood up and held you tightly and protectively. "Thank you. It was nice meeting you, sort of, but I think we're okay by ourselves. God fucking bless or whatever. Have a blessed fucking day, enjoy your blessed fucking house and your blessed fucking hors d'oeuvres. I'll take care of your daughter."

He kept babbling on as he walked towards the front door as he slipped his shoes on, crouched down and grabbed your shoes, and exited the house. You were still crying on the muscular murderer's shoulder as he walked to his car.

"As much as I want to keep holding you, my psychotic darling, you're going to have to sit in your own seat and buckle up. Mmm? Okay?" Sangwoo stroked your hair and opened the passenger's side door for you, crouching down to place you inside the car.

Sniffling, you curled right back into a ball and buckled your seat belt.

Sangwoo hurried to the other side of his car and put his keys in the ignition. Safely, he pulled out of your driveway and began the journey back to his house. On the way there however, he began laughing.

"What's funny?" You asked, pouting.

"You are certifiably insane, Shy. An absolute psycho." He reached out one hand and stroked your cheek with his thumb. "I love it."

"Sorry." You apologized to him weakly. "I didn't mean to yell at their house. I thought we could have dinner and they would just be a little bit dumb. But they're always on me with the blah blah blah blah."

"You know what? I was surprised. I was honestly surprised that you're the religious fanatic. They're religious and all, but like a normal amount. You're the weirdo." He laughed to himself. "Guess that's who I attract. Weirdos and whores, huh?"

"You're a whore." You pouted at being called weird.

"Don't start with me now." Sangwoo chuckled. "Or I'll whip it out in the driveway and make you watch."

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