104: Nervous

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You stood up as the door opened.

"Sangw--" You began to speak but his lips pressed against yours desperately and his hands pulled your head close to his own.

This kiss was different than the others. They had been passionate, yes, but also respectful and without expectations. This one came with a little more than that.

His warm lips explored yours with a determination. He wanted every inch of your mouth right now. Your arms were frozen by your side for the entirety of the kiss.

Then, it was suddenly over.

"Sorry." He mumbled, with his half-lidded, lusty eyes.

"No..." You whispered. "Don't be."

And you threw your arms around his neck and reconnected your lips to his, much to his surprise. But he quickly caught on, grabbing your neck and your waist. But before it could go much further, Sangwoo disconnected once again and looked into your eyes.

"It's almost too weird. Let me take you to our honeymoon spot. 'Kay?" He mumbled. "Then... I can try and do better..."

And shake this super weird feeling... He thought to himself. And maybe... He bit his lip as he took your hand and pulled you to the shiny new car. Fuck my wife senseless.

You felt completely lightheaded as you were dragged to the sports car. But you didn't really care; you were going on your honeymoon!

Then, the record scratched as a question came to your mind.

"Sangwoo..." You turned to him as he started the car.

"Yes, cutie?" He looked forward as you buckled your seat belt.

"Where are you taking me for our honeymoon?" You asked as you stroked his bicep.

He relaxed at the touch.

"I love you." He cooed. "I got a cabin a while back. When I was gone for a few day for winter break. I'm taking you there. Maybe an hour away."

"I love you too, Sangwoo." You leaned against the car seat, getting comfortable. "I'm nervous, but super excited."

He was quiet for a few minutes. But then he spoke your name.


"I feel like that too. Don't let me be too rough with you." He sounded suspiciously not confident for the killer you knew he was.

"Eh." You shrugged, causing him to glance at you. "I will still be your wife."

"Living my best life." He cracked a smile. "Knew I made a great choice in that stupid diner."

"I think so!" You smiled at him. "God thinks so! He clearly pushed us together!"

"Babe." He laughed. "God isn't going to be anywhere near us tonight."

You rolled your eyes, but you were just a touch concerned about how out of character Sangwoo was acting. Was he hearing his mother again?

"You're not going to kill me tonight are you?" You looked at him, nervously.

"No." Sangwoo sighed. "No, I don't want to kill you. I want to have sex with you, Shy. I want to slide my dick deep inside of you until you scream out my name. Which reminds me, do you have any qualms about birth control?"

"Not at all." You shook your head, face burning. "But I don't have any."

"Mm. We'll have to get you some. Not really a fan of condoms, even though I always use them. But I get sexually transmitted infection testing done regularly, so you don't need to worry about that." He rambled on a bit. "Plus, who uses condoms with their wife? I don't want to. But not in the baby mood. I've got condoms-- Oh fuck!"

He burst out laughing.

"You should see your face right now!" He laughed so hard, tears came out.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." You mumbled. "Just drive."

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