37: Another Deal

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"Please?" You asked through your computer screen late that night.

"Oh, God, do I really have to?" Sangwoo groaned as he laid in bed. It was bad enough he had to stay up so late practicing with Ji Eun, but now you were asking something from him. And unfortunately, it wasn't an unreasonable request.

"Please don't take the Lord's name in vain." That request was a little more unreasonable, but he was too tired to bother with it.

"Fucking hell, alright, sorry. Do I have to?"

"No... But I'd really like it if you would..."


"Whenever you're free, Sangwoo, of course it would be at your convenience." You put your sweetest voice on.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, always so convenient. Trade with me."

"I'm not going to compromise my morals..."

Sangwoo rolled his eyes and threw his pillow over his face, screaming into it.

"Shut up, seriously. Damn. Just hear me out at four in the fucking morning, especially if you refuse to come over and stay in my bed."

"...I'm sorry, Sangwoo." Your voice wavered as best as you could make it, to show you were upset to have upset him.

"It's fine, I'm just tired. If I agree to do this, then will you promise to come to my concert?" He shifted around in bed, laying on his pillow and above his blankets, showing off his muscular physique. You couldn't help but admire his body when it was only cloaked in boxers. And you did also wish you were in bed with him, but the temptation would have been too high to do something unholy; so you had to withhold.  "I might try to kill Ji Eun after, and then, I was thinking about killing you, so I'd really appreciate if you'd at least show up. There's an after-party but I'd rather you not come."

"Can I just follow behind?" You asked, not happy about hearing about his desire to kill you.

"Sure, whatever, stalker freak." He laughed. "Do I have a deal then?"

"Fine. Why do you even want me to go?" You asked, arms crossed.

"Why are you awake right now, Shy?" He asked, abruptly changing the subject.

"Homework; due tomorrow. The third set of midterms is coming up." You groaned.

"Did you get a good grade on that paper about me?"

"Yeah, an A. But I'm pretty sure everyone was weirded out by it."

"Well even I'm weirded out by you. Dude, can't I just drive and pick you up? I would really like to have you in my bed."

"D-Don't say things like that!" You blushed. "And don't call me dude. I'm not your dude."

"That's right. You're the person I'm going to marry... whatever you call it." He chuckled. "And you're here, insisting that I meet your parents, and in exchange I'm asking you to come to my performance to which you said you'd also come to my after-party but only as a stalker... Is that right?"

"Yeah, sounds right Sangwoo." You smiled a small smile. It was a dream; excluding the fact that he seemed to be getting closer to the monster in the basement. Even just thinking about it made your eye twitch. Something needed to happen and fast or you thought your jealousy might just take over.

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