94: No One Loves You Like I Love You

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AN: I lied, here's one more, I couldn't help it <3 Y'all deserved to see this!

As he got to the fence, he whipped around, your voice penetrating his psychosis.

"Shy?" He looked around wildly. "SHY?!" He screamed out.

You ran into him, knocking him to the ground as you panted. It was hard work to run with a snowboard, a ski jacket, snow pants and boots on.

"Don't cry, Sangwoo. Don't be scared. I made it for you. I didn't want to make you upset. I'm sorry, Sangwoo. Forgive me." You touched his nose with your own briefly before wiping his teary face with your mittens.

Sangwoo's face crinkled up as he looked into your own face, now suddenly close to his. Your body pressed against his, albeit a few inches of fabric separating you both.

"Oh, God, Shy. Oh my God." He took the Lord's name in vain as he began hyperventilating. "That woman... That woman..."

"Shh... Let's go back. Let's go back to the resort." You wiped at his face again, bopping your nose against his again. It was as close as you were willing to get to a kiss right now. "I'm so cold, Sangwoo. Won't you let me stay in your bed with you?"

Sangwoo sat up and hugged you tightly, tears flowing down his face.

"My wife. My wife." He cooed to himself more than to you. "She's cold and tired..."

He mumbled the last part, seemingly looking for the motivation to stand back up.

"I'll hold the boards." You whispered as you laid your face against his head. "I liked the way you murdered stepmom. It made me feel so warm inside. But I'm still so cold, Sangwoo. Are you ready to go inside?"

He nodded as he handed you the snow boards and stood up.

You wrapped your legs around his thick body and he carried you back to his room.

In all honesty, you wanted to go back to your room, but figured it wasn't worth the battle right now. If you could get through this night, these next few days, you might have a chance to kill the stupid thing yourself and not have any repercussions. You just needed to play everything just right and still keep your morals.

Sangwoo burst into his room, to which you threw the boards down in, and he promptly took you to the king-sized bed. 

It took all your might to ignore the other occupant, but Sangwoo made sure to lay you down so that his back faced it and you faced his chest. There was no undressing, no getting under the covers.

He began to hiccup and cry again.

"What's wrong, Sangwoo?" You took your mittens off and stroked his face as he leaned into your hand.

"Sangwoo..." It's voice rang out as you leaned your forehead against Sangwoo's. He was going to talk to you. Not it.

"That woman...She said... I'd die... the most painful death! Do you... think so, too?" He hiccuped as he squeezed you tightly.

"Not even a little, Sangwoo." You nuzzled his nose. "If I'm not going to kill you, then no one will. I'll make sure of it. Because I love you the very most of everyone. No one loves you like I love you."

"My... wife..." Sangwoo burst into tears again as he buried his face in your hair.

You were in for a long, salty, snotty, sweaty night. But if it meant getting Sangwoo back and pushing that beast out, then you would do it ten times over.

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