113: Full Treatment

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Greedily, Sangwoo turned around and looked at you, bloody knife in his hand, panting and out of breath. Blood soaked his boxers and covered his naked body.

"What would you do if I stabbed you right now?" He walked up to you and put the tip of the knife against the skin covering your heart.

"I'd tell you how much I love you and how happy I was to be married to you." You reached out one hand to wipe some blood off of his face. "I'd tell you that I would die if it would make my husband happy. But I would try and resist before that."

"How?" He pushed a little harder, testing you. "How would you resist? I could kill you right now."

"I'd call you a dirty fucking pig. I'd say that I was happy to be married to you, but that you weren't worthy of being my husband. You're impure, disgusting and a messy killer. You'll never be on my level. You never deserved me. You're lucky I ever let you touch me, even with that filthy knife." You brought your foot up to touch Sangwoo's dick through his boxers. He was already as hard as a rock. "Killing me would just mean that you lose the only person who even bothers to care about you."

"I have Yoon Bum." His voiced wavered as he put the knife down and leaned closer to you, already seduced.

"I said 'person', did I not, you whore?" You insulted him further. "We all know you have no standards when it comes to who you sleep with. You'll stick your filthy cock in anything that cries. You're disgraceful, honestly."

"I'm gonna cum all over your fucking face, you bitch." He kissed your neck as he pushed down his pants and began touching himself.

"I'm not one of your cum dumpsters, Oh Sangwoo." You scolded him. "You have to ask me for consent before you put that disgusting thing anywhere near me."

His breath was shallow. He was getting the full treatment from you as you watched the blood drain from Hien's body. You had to admit your own core was soaked from the sight of your previous love rival being murdered at your desire.

"Please," He was reduced to begging quickly as he felt himself bucking into his own hand, practically leaking all over your lap, "Please, wifey~", he used the term so affectionately now, "Could I cum on your face? I promise to clean it off after."

You thought about it for a moment, a tantalizing moment, and finally shrugged.

"Sure, but you have to come up here."

Instantly, you were knocked down onto the table as Sangwoo completely dominated you and sat above you on the kitchen table.

"Close your eyes. Close them!" He said to you quickly.

You complied, although the temptation to keep them open was high. Not even four seconds later, fluid that was incredibly warm rushed all over your face and into your hair.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." He mumbled. Another burst of fluid. "Fuck, yeah, yeah, yes."

Then, you felt his thumb rubbing your lips gently.

"Taste." He mumbled, "But don't open your eyes. It'll burn."

You opened your mouth just enough for his thumb to slip in. It was a bitter, salty taste, not particularly pleasant.

"That's me. That's your husband." He moaned to you. "Lay still. I'll pick you up and take you back to the bath; we need another shower. And don't worry, I'll treat you just as well as last time."

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