28: Taken

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And you passed out. Your body couldn't handle the emotions pouring through it at that moment. Luckily, you hadn't done anything too crazy, like foaming at the mouth or screaming, but nonetheless, you were still embarrassed.

That is, you were embarrassed when you woke up in Sangwoo's house, sitting on his couch as you smelled something being cooked. You shuffled in the seat and looked over the couch to see Sangwoo in glasses and an apron over his bare chest and shorts. Looking down at your own body, you realized that you had the hoodie now draped over you.

"Awake now? Sorry for bringing you here without your permission, although I technically won the bet anyway, but it was too fucking weird to sit in a cafe with someone out cold." He smiled at you. "Plus, you didn't answer my question."

"Just because you ask me doesn't mean I'll say yes to anything you want, you know." You narrowed your eyes at him. "Like I'm not going to sleep with you until we're made a union officially."

"And there's my fuckin' Shy! Good morning, hot stuff, I made you pancakes for dinner. I'll go grab Yoon Bum." He laughed honestly and retreated down to what you knew was the basement.

I guess I really am going to have to give him an answer... I mean, it's yes right? This is like... my dream! Why am I not that happy about it? Maybe it just doesn't feel real yet. You pinched your arm to ensure that you weren't dreaming, but as you saw the shaggy black hair of the other stalker you realized that you wouldn't have something so heinous in a dream. Ergo, this had to be reality.

"So?" Sangwoo looked at you as he shoved the broken legged creature to the table on the floor. "Does Mrs. Oh not appeal to you as a name?"

"W-What?! Sangwoo! What are you saying to her?!" The thing spoke up from its lowly position on the floor.

"How about you shut your mouth, creature, before I make sure you can never open it again." You spat venomously. "You don't know what it's like to truly love Sangwoo like I do. You're a pitiful disgrace of a lover and don't even try to think of yourself on the same level as me."

A smile grew on Sangwoo's face and he walked over to you.

"Is that a yes, I'm hearing? Through ultra-violent threats? I really think you're a woman after my heart, Shy."

"Yes! Yes, I will definitely marry you! But I think, first, we should do some of the normal stuff! I mean if we are going to have the rest of our lives together, regardless of the length, then we probably should get to know each other!" You beamed back at him.

"See? You're not even that fuckin' shy, once I met you. Glad about it, though. I'm not trying to fuck a statue here." He laughed as he began setting the table.

"I'm not going to have sex with you at all. In fact, not even kisses. I'm saving everything for our wedding."

"Fine with me. One less whore to deal with in my life." Sangwoo shrugged. "So, perfect angel, meet my little fuck puppet, Yoon Bum. Yoon Bum, this is someone you could never be anything like..." He paused. "Uh... why don't you give us your actual names, Shy? I think that's the first fucking step here."

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