58: Do You Mean It

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"Wait! Wait in the car, I want to get you your present!" You placed your hand lightly on his bicep as you unbuckled your seat belt.

"Ugh, no, I really don't want--"

"Please!" You gave him wide, puppy-dog eyes.

Sangwoo grumbled.

"Fine. Hurry up."

You nodded as you ran out of the car and quickly to your apartment. Scrounging around, you found where you had placed the box and ran back outside. As Sangwoo rolled down his window, you handed the box to him and crouched down.

"Here! Thanks for the ring! You're really just amazing and I'm so happy to be your wife and I had a great time, sorry about my parents and sorry I cried and I hope you come and see me again--"

"Shh." Sangwoo put a finger to your lips as he tossed the likely disgusting present into his passenger's seat. Then, he kissed your nose. "Hey, Shy?"

"Yes?" You asked him.

"You meant it right?" His hand stroked your cheek as he looked you in your eyes. The intimacy was a little uncomfortable and you shifted where you stood.

"Meant... what?" Clarification suddenly became incredibly important.

"That you loved me." His lips softened and his eyelids drooped. He had that look on his face and you knew that if you wanted to remain pure, you were going to have to evacuate quickly.

"Of course!" You stood up quickly and took a step back. "I've told you that lots of times!"

"Alright." He smiled back at you and threw one arm out his car window. "I'll see you again soon, wife-to-be. After all, you've got some big pay off. I really do want to get married to you."

"Not just to stab me the next day either, right?" You laughed back, even though you knew it was a possibility.

"Not the next day." He laughed. "Definitely not that soon. Alright. I'll talk to you when I get home. I swear, if this present is gross, I'm going to spank you."

You turned bright red and fled the scene at that sentence as you heard Sangwoo's laugh cackle in the distance. It seemed like his new favorite sport was teasing you lately. Not that you would mind, after you were married, but at the moment the temptation was palpable. Who did he think he was, giving you that look like he was about to kiss you? Of course you wanted to kiss him. Heck, you wanted to do everything with him right now, but it wasn't in God's plan, so you withstood the temptation as best you could.

I'll have to ask him for a date, maybe. You thought as you walked back into your house. That way I can pace myself. It might make it easier to not give in if I can tell myself "you can make it! Only two more months!" I mean who are we even going to invite? Not that many people I figure...

You sat down at your computer and logged onto your student account for your university first and then into your network of cameras. It was going to be a very busy night for you.

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