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While waiting for the elevator to open, you started reevaluating what happened to your life these past few years.

You are just a simple homeschooled girl, whose parents are rich and owns a big University which for some reason doesn't let you attend. They always told you that life outside is dangerous. You didn't understand them until something unexpected happened.

Your parents got killed inside the airport. They are going to an important business meeting in the countryside but unfortunately meet with their demise. Some say that the suspects are your parent's competitors in the business world but there is no much evidence to prove it resulting from the case to closed. It left you frustrated and mad, but you don't stand a chance. 

You lock yourself into your room that got your relatives worried. Even the maids tried to cheer you up but to no avail, it was all pointless.

Until you reached your 18th birthday, the day you need to hold and run the company. You don't like being involved in this kind of transaction but you have no choice. Being the only child of your parents, it is hard but you managed to master their property which is already yours. Business is not new to you since when you are born it's all you can see and hear about. Piles of paper greeted you as if sarcastically wishing you a happy birthday.

After that, you started learning self-defense, being a fast learner is not a bother. Your Uncle who you trusted and supported you was against the idea but you reasoned out that you wanted to be independent.

Many people and elites envy you for you are smart, wise powerful, and successful. Turns out that the thing you mostly hated is the one you are good at.
You establish a very bright and family-like environment in your Company which you lack when you are younger. You started to feel loved again and felt the warmth of home. That's why this company became important to you. Because inside of it holds the people who are dear to you.

You heard the elevator's sound signaling you've reached your destination which is the last and highest floor of the building, your office.

You step out of the elevator and walk straight to your office. You opened the door and enter. You went to your desk and tiredly sit on your chair while massaging your temples.

"Those old men are such a pain" whining like a small child you heard someone laugh and you saw your secretary entering while holding a folder.

"Welcome back, glad to see you're still alive," he said in a teasing manner

You frowned as he handed you the folder.

"Tsk. Tell me about it, I've been telling them that I don't want to take part in that corrupted project. Those cuns" you said in an annoyed tone while scanning the folder.

"Those are the reports for the past few weeks, I'll leave it to you. And for a spoiler, there are still to come, wishing you will survive. Fighting!" He said.

"Argh!!! I hate this" you said as you whine and slam the papers at your desk.

"I want to go out," you said and looked at your secretary. He gives a what-do-you-want-me-to-do look and an evil smile appeared on your face which made him frown.

"You're not thinking what I'm thinking," he said in a warning tone as if challenging you.

"Oh sure you are, then I don't need to explain my plan," you said with a goofy smile. He facepalm and looks at you.

"You know you can't, there's a load of works and the launching of your new product is coming you need to focus," he said convincing you to backfire your plan.

"I'm focusing though," you said as you get up from your chair and went out to reach your thick jacket because it's winter which is your favorite season.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now