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"Uncle" he looks at me confused while still pointing his knife at me.

"Do you remember the time that I was before I was announced to be the next President of the Fella?" I asked and prayed that he still remembers. Everything that he said to me.

"Why should I? Whatever I said was used as an excuse. Those sugarcoated words are not true" he answered with a smirk.

"I don't care if it's just for a show" I smiled remembering it. For me that support you gave me that time, was my one last straw.

I lock up in my room knowing that they will make me the heir of my parents' company. I don't want to. I hate it. It will just remind me of them.

Suddenly, someone knocks on my door.

"Whoever it is, I don't want to see you. If it's about the company. Give up on me. I can't do anything. I'm useless. Just appoint anyone in the company to be the President" I shouted annoyed.

"It's not about the company Y/N-ah" I know that voice it was Uncle Kim. I stand up immediately and ran towards the door to open it.

"Uncle!" I said with a cheerful voice and hug him tight.

"Easy Y/N" he giggled while slightly patting my head.

"I'm glad you are here" I hug him tighter and he did the same.

"What happened?" he asked. I let him in my room then told him everything.

"So the board of directors is already impatient huh?" he mumbled by I heard it clearly.

"I don't want to. They always go here to pursue me and I always declined. I may be the only heir but I'm not capable" I said while looking down. I heard that uncle doesn't work in the company and he has his own business.

"How can you say that you are not capable?" He looked at me with confused eyes.

"That's what they always say. The people at the party. Whenever I'm not looking I know that they are talking bad things about me"

Why do they need to whisper if I can hear them clearly?

"They all smile but once you turn your back at them they will glare at you like you're the most epidemic disease that shouldn't exist" my face frowned remembering the last business Party that my uncle brought me with.

"Is that all?"

"My classmates, the maids. All of them said the same thing"

He just stared at me lost in his own thoughts.

"And even you uncle" I look away to hide my disappointment.

"I heard your conversation with Namjoon Oppa when he left to study abroad. I'm sorry if I eavesdropped. It's not my intention" still not looking at my uncle, I played with the hem of my shirt waiting for him to reply.

"I see. So you heard it. What did you think about me? Do you despise me now?" still not looking at him I answered


"Why is that?"

"Because it is the truth. Why should I get upset at you? I'm still young. Too young for the world of Business. Even if I tried I will fail. I know that. Because that's what happened. Seo-jin died because I tried to be her friend. Because of me, she died. I'm afraid to be outside again. What if because of me someone will die again. Because I wish to stay with them."

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now