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Your POV

I woke up feeling dizzy. I feel like my body is heavy and beckoning me to sleep again.

"What happened?" I try to remember what happened but I can't which confuses me.

"Did I have an amnesia?" I thought. I try reciting my name, age, history, my high school life, my friends, and even my company's name and I can remember it clearly. So why I can't remember how I end up here?

"Wierd..... But where am I?" I asked no one. I look around and rub my eyes to adjust at the brightness.

I found myself locked in a room with a king-size bed.

I found myself locked in a room with a king-size bed

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(This is how it looks like. It's not mine.)

"Ok...? How the heck did I ended up here?" I asked more confused. I can't clearly remember how in the first place I got here and why can't I remember anything.

I got up from the bed and tried opening the door but its locked.

"Hold up what the- IS ANYBODY THERE? CAN YOU HEAR ME, OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR" I shouted. I knocked on the door many times but no one answer. As if I'm locked into a deserted island that no one can reach or hear. I look for my phone but it is gone.

I tried kicking it or forcefully opening it using a thin stick that I found. The thing that I learn from Yoongi Oppa, whenever I forget my own key to my apartment.
I tried any possible way to open the damn door but with no luck, it won't open. I don't even have my phone with me.

"Argh! I swear to my unlucky ancestors that whoever the culprit from abducting me I will squeeze the luck and fortune out of their body" I murmured angrily. I'm not a cannibal to skin them alive and if I can I can't make use of their almost decompose skin.

"Calm down tigress" I heard someone speak. Tigress? the heck is that. It made me cringed.

"So you've been there but you didn't respond to me, you shit" I shouted angrily. Anger and frustration are building up inside me.

"Actually I just got here, the part you where you want to skin the luck out of me," the abductor said. I can sense that he is smirking.

"Glad you heard me," I said sarcastically.

"But your idea is boring, I suggest, it will be more interesting if you strip in front of me, if you say yes I'll open this door," he said and chuckled. My right eye twitched in annoyance and anger.

"Bold of you to assume that I will do that. How about you open this freaking door so I can strip that tongue outta you" you spatted

"Easy tigress," the kidnapper said then I heard the door unlock and it opened revealing a tall man with brown hair. He wore a leather jacket, a black cap, black pants, and white sports shoes. There's a mask that looks like a lion covering his whole head

I back away from him to put some safe distance. I don't know if he will suddenly attack me or what. I tried to peek at what it looks like on the outside but this stupid kidnapper is blocking the view. I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now