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Three months have passed and everything was back to normal. The Company's building was fixed and renovated to the employees liking. My office was still the same although I asked them to remove the private room and made it into a mini office for my secretary. The older office of the secretary was located below my office.

I found it a hassle for my secretary so I decided to do that.

Namjoon is now handling Uncle Kim's law firm. Although he is still studying the course I know that he can do it.

Yoongi was assigned to an undercover mission together with Jimin and I don't know when they are coming back because it was placed in Japan. These past two months they became so popular because of solving my case. Who wouldn't be? You discovered and caught one of the drug dealers luring in the country. Of course, that is respectable and honorable.

Sora Unnie became an actress and immediately became popular. She is already popular though. She is beautiful and talented after all.

Taehyung on the other hand.

"I haven't talked to him yet. We haven't contacted each other" I mumbled. How can I? I can't reach him and I'm too busy to leave the company and go to France.

Although I heard that the Valour Company was doing well these days.

I sigh again and focused on my work. No time to get distracted. I heard a knock and I ordered them to come in.

Seolhee came with folders and an apologetic face. Seolhee became my new secretary. She volunteered and I'm glad she did. I don't have time to hold a new interview for the job. She has the qualifications and she fits the role as well.

"President another report from the Japan branch" I just sigh and nodded. She put it on the top of my paper works because my table doesn't have enough space.

"I think it is time to get a new table don't you think?" I said and look at her.

"I think so. Want me to do it, President?" Seolhee offered.

"N-No I can do it" I declined her offer.

"But President, your schedules are full. You need to go to an interview tomorrow, meetings for the new members of the Board of directors reports coming from the other branches. A three-day event at Fella University and you are scheduled to meet the sponsors and stakeholders for the next fashion event that will be held Two weeks from now. Should I still continue reciting your other schedules?" Seolhee smiled at me waiting for my response.

"No. I'm already fine" I don't want to hear any more hell words from that sinful mouth of hers.

"I can see that you are enjoying your job," I remark with a hint of sarcasm. She is not that innocent and timid Seolhee that I know before. People really changed. But she changed rapidly and improved a lot.

"Of course I love it" She answered still smiling. This girl. She fits the role too perfectly that I somehow regretted it.

"And president, I must remind you that it's already 8 in the evening aren't you going home now?" She asked concerned.

My eyes widen and I checked my watch. It's true, just when I told myself not to overtime.

"I'm sorry Seolhee, you also stayed this late because of me" I apologized.

"Don't sweat it President. You can pack your things we'll wait for you at the lodge. Martha said that she is waiting for us" She told me. I nodded and said thanks.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now