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I went to Mr. Kim's law firm. Mr. Kim is Namjoon's dad and my Father's brother.

I knocked three times and I heard him said come in so I did.


"Sorry for my sudden visit. Did I disturb you, Mr. Kim?" I politely asked.

"I think calling me Mr. Kim is more disturbing. Can you please drop the honorifics?" he said and chuckled.

"As you say so uncle," I said and smiled.

"Take a seat" he offered and I gladly sat on his couch set. He went and join me sitting across from me.

"So what brought you here?" He asked.

"I'm going straight to the point. My parents Will" I said and my tone become serious. Mr. Kim is calm while facing me. He doesn't show any emotion at all. I waited for him to answer me.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes again and there, I can see a sad emotion reflecting from his eyes. Pity and sadness.

"It's sudden really. I wonder why they gave me those documents before their flight. Sadly luck is not on their side that time. They told me to never open it until you turn 22. I was about to give it to you before Namjoon's wedding but suddenly the testimonies went missing. I was worried sick that I called Yoongi secretly regarding that. But then two days after it went missing it was back again" He explained.

"Yoongi Oppa knows this?" I asked.

"No, I just reported it to him but he doesn't know that documents was about your parents will. Even Namjoon doesn't know. I'm sorry" Mr. Kim said and apologized.

"You don't have to apologize" I said. He look at me and smile sadly.

Does someone knew about my parents' testimonies? Did they even do it privately? Learning that they just pass it down to uncle then uncle does not know when my parents wrote it, he doesn't know the contents as well. What about the lawyer they hired for these documents. There must be one right?

"Here are the documents" I gave him my parents will and he scan them carefully. Every time he flips a page he nods. Maybe it's his technique or habit of comprehending things.

"All of the will have been fulfilled except from one" He look at me waiting for my reactions. I know what he is talking about. I sigh and leaned on the couch.

"Please do something about it uncle. I do not want to be engaged. Heck, I'm not even looking for a partner" I beg. This kind of setup is a pain in the ass.

"Let's see what we can do about it. Discarding this part of Will might take some time but it can be done. The thing that I am worried about is that those who took it from me might have copied the documents and might use it into something. If this get publicized it will be a big trouble. It wouldn't be easy to change some part of your parents Will" Mr. Kim explained.

"Great. First my parents' killer, my killer, and a thief. Who else want to join the Bring-Down-Y/N's-Company-club" I muttered sarcastically.

"I'm investigating it Y/N. You don't have to worry about it" He said.

"I appreciate that and I hope we find a clue" I said hoping that we can find some lead out of this mess.

"I know. I'm sorry again Y/N-ah" Mr. Kim apologize again. I shook my head and smile.

"We can pass this through uncle. There's a hope we just need to find it, this things won't waver my will to solve everything" I said hoping that it will cheer him up.

He smiled a little bit and nod his head. Somehow he looked desolate.

"Uncle, it will be fine" I said and give my brightest smile. He sigh and smile also. This time I know that he sincerely smiled which reassures me.

"That's all, I will take my leave now" I said. He nod and bow down. I did the same.

Once I was out of Mr. Kim's office, I was meet by a smirking Taehyung. He was leaning on the wall across the door. His hands on his pocket. He was wearing a bandana a black tuxedo which really suits him.

If I'm an ordinary girl I'm already daydreaming on how beautiful he is right now, flash news I'm not.

"Checking me out Boss?" He said and went to my side.

"Nah. Stop assuming. Just thinking why did you wear a bandana?" I asked. It's weird.

"Fashion?" his answer is more like a question also.

"What a weird fashion" I whispered to myself.

"Did you say something" he looked towards me.

I started walking while he walked behind me. "Not going to compliment me?" He said.


"I put an effort putting this look"

"Nah. Why do that?"

"To impress you" I stopped in my tracks and faced him.

"What?" he asked. "Why do you want to impress me," I asked.

"So I am suit to be called your body guard" he sincerely answered.

"You don't need to" I said and sighed.

"Well, I don't want to look like some kind of beggar walking beside a royalty right?" He joked and chuckled.

"Tsk. Idiot" I told him but he just smiled.

"You look fine," I said and started walking. It's my first time complimenting someone about their looks especially a guy.

I walked faster not wanting to hear his response. Knowing him he will just tease me. I can feel my face is heating up.

"Boss wait" I heard Taehyung shouted and I slow down a little not wanting to face him. I calmed myself down and look straight ahead. When I reach the outside I breathed out.

"You should have slowed down," Taehyung said.

"Taehyung-ssi" I started. I look at him with a serious face.

"W-What's with the serious face?" He asked. He scratched his neck indicating that he is nervous.

"It doesn't matter," I said. Now he look more confused.

"It doesn't matter what status you have or what you look like. What matters is that you prove yourself to be trust worthy and I trust you. No matter who you are or where you came from. You can be yourself, so stand tall, Taehyung" I continued.

He didn't speak and stared down the floor. Did I say something wrong? Did I offend him?

Suddenly I heard him chuckled and he brought his face up. There is a sincere smile painted on his face.

"Thanks," he said and I smiled. He patted my head softly and it caught me off guard. It's not bothersome but I'm not just used to someone patting my head. Whenever someone does, it makes me feel small but somehow Taehyung's doesn't. It doesn't annoy me but it is somehow comforting.

I feel nostalgic.

It's been a while since someone patted my head with so much care and warmth. I don't know how to explain this feeling right now but I know that it's not that bad. I somehow like it.


Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you enjoy it. Comment, suggest and vote. Thank you fellas.

Hope you will support me and this story.

The image is not mine. It belongs to the rightful owner(s)

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