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"Why do I have to go? I don't want to study abroad"

Why would father what me to study there suddenly? If I go then I can't stay with Y/N anymore. Knowing her, she will be really sad and disappointed. She doesn't have anyone with her right now. I am the only one who she can depend on.

"It's for your own good. Studying abroad will open more opportunities especially you're smart. Just listen to me, your father" He said.

"I won't go" I answered firmly. I won't leave her.

"What's stopping you? Is it Y/N?" He said. You can tell that he is being impatient hinting that he is getting annoyed with this argument.

I didn't answer him and stayed quiet.

"If you are worried about her, then don't worry. I will take care of her"

"I'm still not fond of the idea. What exactly are you plotting father?"

"Don't understand my point?" Father slammed his hands because of anger. Though I didn't flinch or anything. I don't want to go against him but I needed a concrete answer from this decision.

"Why so suddenly?" I asked. He gave a heavy sigh and leaned back to his chair.

"I want you to go abroad and study. You need to be prepared because you will take over the company of Y/N's parents" He announced. My eyes widen from the sudden news.

"What are you talking about?"

"With Y/N's current state, we can't guarantee the future of Fella corps to her hands. She's still half baked. She doesn't have experience at all. More importantly, she is not socially inclined. What makes her be renowned until now is the name of her deceased parents" he explained to me.

"Then isn't better to send Y/N with me. There we can study together and I can still look into her" I suggested.

"I am aware that you really treat her as your sister and you are worried of her well-being but you being by her side all the time will teach her nothing. She needs to be independent" He said but I didn't answer.

"I can't just give the company to her" he added

"Even without your consent, she will still inherit the company when the times come. That's her fate as the only daughter" I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"She won't if you become the President. So you need to go abroad to hone your skills" Father still persisted.

"I don't want to inherit the company. Thanks for the offer father but I'm out" I dismissed. My father shouted my name but I didn't look back. It might be disrespectful but at that time I didn't see him as my father. "You will regret this" The last words I heard before I slammed the door closed.

It's like he's a different person. He's not the father that I knew.

I went to my room. I notice my phone ringing and went to check who it was.

"Namjoon Hyung?!" Taehyung shouted from the other line. I put away my phone from my ears because it hurts. Damn! Why need to shout?!

"Why do you need to sh-" "J-Jin h-Hyung is g-gone," He said between his sob. My eyes widen and I started running out of our house to our hideout.

I can still hear Taehyung's sob and the other members comforting him.

"STOP CRYING!" I heard Yoongi Hyung shouted and the line was cut.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now