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 Y/N's POV

I don't know what's happening to my life but here I am sitting side by side with the man who abducted me not too long ago, in his luxurious private plane.

What can I do? I've made a stupid deal and promise with this man, and I don't go back on my words. Also, I know that I can make use of him in finding my killer.

"Are we there yet?" I asked him.

"That is your 30th time asking that question and my 30th time saying that 'not yet', can you just be patient," He said and I'm sure he's freaking annoyed by me now, well if it is me then I will feel the same.

I just clicked my tongue and turn my head on the window watching the sky. Urgh! This is boring.

One hour pass and finally we reached our destination. Seoul. I don't even know the location where he locked me up but it was really far away from here.

When I came down from the private plane, I saw Taehyung waiting for me to come down. I scanned my surroundings and realized that we are on the top floor of a high building.

I felt that this building is familiar. Quite Familiar and that's when it hits me. This is my company's building!

"Walk faster will you," he said, I just glared at him and walk past him. 

The door opened abruptly and I saw a flustered Namjoon, Yoongi, Sora, and other staff from my company. Some have wide eyes and some started to cry and get teary eyes.

"Y/N" Sora unnie shouted while running to me and pulling me into a tight hug.

"U-Unnie I-I can't B-Breath," I said but she won't budge.  I felt something wet on my shoulders and that's when I realized that she is crying. I suddenly felt bad. She must be worried.

I tried to peek to see Namjoon Oppa who has teary eyes, Yoongi Oppa who has a sad and relieved smile, and my company staff, whose already crying and some are fighting back their tears.

My eyes softened at the sight. They must be worried a lot. I've made them worried. I feel guilty but at the same time happy, this shows how important I am to them.

This is really my family.

I patted Sora Unnie's back and gently caressed her head.

"I'm back," I said and smiled warmly. She cried even more and her hug get tighter. This time all of them started hugging me except Teahyung and his apprentice who is just watching us. Later on, it became a big group hug.

I will just cherish this moment for now because later on a long discussion and storytelling will be done.

After the long and sentimental reunion with my company. We head immediately to my office. Here I am, sitting on my swivel chair while Taehyung is at my side acting like some kind of my bodyguard.

Namjoon Oppa is looking at me weirdly especially at Taehyung and I'm sure this sexy brain is anxious about knowing the reason for what had happened.

"So for starter, this is Taehyung, Taehyung This is Namjoon Oppa my secretary and my cousin also Sora Unnie Namjoon Oppa's Wife, last but not the least Grandpa Yoongi, Namjoon Oppa's friend" I introduced.

"Hey! I'm not a granda you stupid" Yoongi Oppa shouted, I just stuck my tongue out like a child.

"So Y/N, why are you with this man, I mean Taehyung? and what happened? When the lights turned on you are gone and we can't find you. You left your phone that's why we can't track you, what the hell happened. You've been gone for a good whole week I thought-" Namjoon Oppa can't finish his sentence because he is fighting back his tears.

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