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I went to the room that Taehyung told me and plopped myself on the bed. I turn around and come face to face with the white ceiling.

I need to save the company, but how? Everything is messed up. I can't even think a proper countermeasure. 

What did I do to deserve this? My Parents, Seojin. They are gone and now Fella is at risk because of me.

I covered my eyes using my arms to stop the tears from falling but I can't help it.

"Argh!! How many times did I cry today" I hissed to myself. It's becoming annoying because I keep crying.

I heard someone giggle and I sit up immediately. I saw Taehyung leaning on the door frame with a soft smile on his face.

"What's with that smile? Stop it, it's annoying" I said and wipe my tears away.

I looked away and continue speaking "Don't you know how to knock before entering? Where're your manners?"

"Well, the door is open why should I knock? And this is my house so I can do anything I want in here" He answered. I didn't respond and he sigh. He closed the door and lock it. I look at him with wide eyes.

"Why did you locked it?!" I asked in a panic.

"Don't worry I won't do anything" He put his hands in his pocket and just stared at me.

"Go on and laugh at me," I said but he didn't respond.

"What do you want?" this time I raise my voice higher so that he will know that I'm not in the mood to mess around. He is always like this. Witnessing the moments where I'm always vulnerable and weak. I hate it.

"I apologized for snapping at you back then and for my cold behavior recently. It's just, I'm having conflicted thoughts, and I kind of pissed off and frustrated about" he was having a hard time telling his reasons. He paused for a second searching for words to describe his thoughts. 

"Anyways I am sorry. I sincerely apologize, it was my mistake in the first place, and the fact that I ended up hiding the truth, and dragging this case lead to you being attacked. It was all my fault yet I acted like that towards you," he explained. 

Hearing his side, I mostly understand his feeling right now. But for some reason, I feel tired and hopeless at this moment. When I did not respond he sighs and walks towards me. I back away and was about to get off the bed but he caught my arms and suddenly hug me.

"W-What are you doing. Let go of me" I tried pushing him off me but his hug kept getting tighter.

"Taehyung let go of me" I pleaded.

This is not good, I feel myself tearing up again and I don't know why.

"I know everything. Namjoon hyung told me" Taehyung said and my eyes widen.

"Just cry all you want. No one will hear you. No one will hurt you. I am here. I will protect you. I will stay beside you so lean on me Y/N, you can trust my words this time" he said softly while caressing my head.

I felt mixed emotions but most dominantly the sadness. It overflows in me. The fear rush out of me. The relief of knowing that someone is there for me.

Suddenly I cried. Tears kept flowing down my eyes. I gripped onto his shirt and cried on his chest. I never knew that I was this vulnerable. That I am weak. That I will cry this much again.

"I had to endure everything. My parents' death, my friend's death, the blame, the hatred, the pain. I endured everything and I don't want to blame anyone because my Mom told me so! I was all alone. I tried committing suicide before because I'm tired of the pain. The loneliness that I felt!" I grip on his shirt tighter.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now