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Weeks have passed since the robbery incident but we haven't found any clues about the killer. It is driving me crazy.

Someone entered my office. When I look at the person, my face lit up hoping that he has a piece of good news.

"Yoongi Oppa any clues yet?" I asked but he just shook his head. My spirit went down drastically.

"Another bad news Y/N" I look at him and motion for him to continue. He sighed before speaking.

"The Investigation division wanted me to hold down your case for a while. The thing is, many cases came and need to be tended and they told me that I am only focusing on your case which For Now doesn't have any solid leads and clues"

"I understand. In our current state we don't have any chance to catch the culprit" I said and sigh in defeat.

"I'm sorry Y/N," Yoongi Oppa said.

"Nah... I can handle it. Aside, Taehyung will help me in fact he is starting doing his job" I said reassuring him.

"Speaking, where is him?"

"He said he will buy us food, come to think of it. It's been thirty minutes and he hasn't come back. The cafeteria is not that far" I said thinking. I dialed his phone number but he is not picking up.

"He's not answering," I told Yoongi Oppa who is now sitting on the couch and he just shrugged. I sigh deeply and mess my hair. I'm starving!

My office door opened and the person that I've been waiting for walked in holding a box of pizza, soda, and mac n cheese! My favorite!

"Finally," I said and reached out for the food.

"Easy Boss, you're like a child," he said and chuckled.

"Hurry Taehyung," I said and set aside my belongings. Our relationship improved since that robbery incident happened. We throw jokes and teased each other as a normal friend would do.

"Yoongi Hyung is here too?" Taehyung asked me but I didn't respond because I was too focused on the foods.

"Surprised?" he asked Taehyung and the boy shook his head as a response. They started conversing while I started devouring the foods.

I sigh and scream in delight internally. This is the best. When you are stress always eat. It doesn't matter because I don't gain weight so easily.

I eat like a pig but I'm still skinny. I think it's an advantage because I don't need to go to the gym hahaha.

"Y/N?" Both of them called my attention and I looked at them surprised.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"Pay attention will you? We are having a serious discussion" Yoongi Oppa said.

"We are?" I asked and they nodded.

"Well for now it can wait. Let's eat first shall we" I said smiling and I'm about to bite my slice of pizza when Taehyung snatched it and put it down again.

"What the?!- Can't you see I'm eating?"

"Can't you see we are in the middle of a meeting?" he retorted and I just stared at him with an annoyed expression on my face.

"Sorry for disturbing you Y/N but we need to discuss this first. Your genius boy here, manage to retrieve all the deleted files of your possibly killer that he made a deal with" Yoongi Oppa explained.

"And we are still debating if we will continue the investigation. I mean Yoongi Hyung's division already instructed him to give the case a rest but now we have evidence it may change the decision of their division" Taehyung added.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now