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"You have a business meeting with the LnU Hotel 30 minutes from now at the conference room. Mr. Hiroshima wants to appoint a meeting regarding your summer collection designs. Mrs. Chu invited you to her daughter's debut and asked if you can design her dress. She said she wants to appoint a meeting regarding it" Taehyung updated my upcoming schedule for the whole week.

I just listened while typing on my computer. I took a quick glance and saw him is sitting on the couch while scrolling his IPad, checking for my schedules.

"Tell Mr. Hiroshima that I will meet him tomorrow at 10 and set a date for Mrs. Chu so we can plan it out" I instructed Taehyung and he nodded. He is not only my personal guard but also my secretary. Well, he insisted. He also made an aegyo while desperately convincing me. Surprisingly I cannot ignore that side of him.

I was surprised by his sudden action. From then on, I reminded myself to avoid his aegyo. Never fall from his tricks Y/N.

"So Taehyung any update?" I asked as I took a brief break from my works. 

"Well the files that I have retrieved don't hold any pictures of the killer but I thought that the signature on it might help us," He said.

"The signature might be manipulated or fake, it won't provide us any good," I remarked, he looked as if he wanted to tell me something but he remained quiet. "What else?" I asked him.

"I have the address of the sender and a voice recorder" He informed and my face lit up.

"That's what I've been talking about. Where is it? Let me see" I demanded. He walked towards me and handed me a flash drive. I inserted it on my computer and search the files.

I smiled seeing the pieces of evidence.

"We just need to go to this address right?" I asked, focusing on the evidence.

"Hmm," Taehyung responded and I felt his breath near my face. I look at my right side and saw him dangerously near me. He stared at me also, shocked at how near our faces are to each other.

I was the first one to react. I back away a little bit and look towards my Laptop. He did so and cleared his throat.

"But in this week, we can't possibly do that. You have a full schedule and bunch of meetings and paperwork." He reminded. I think of a plan but nothing came.

"Yeah, I'm busy," I said and sigh in defeat.

"What about the voice recorder," I asked.

He opened an mp3 file this time I set some distance from him to avoid the little incident earlier. Man. That was awkward.

We listened to the voice and exchanged opinions.

"He doesn't sound like the one that I have talked to when you held me captive," I said.

"Really?" Taehyung asked and I nodded.

"The voice sounds younger but the man sounded older maybe in his thirty's or forty's" I added.

He just nodded.

"So these files might not or might lead us to the killer. We are not sure" Taehyung said. I sighed.

"Can you track the calls? I mean the time, date, and the place?" I asked. "I can, but it will take days," He said.

"Much better than nothing," I remarked and massage my temples.

"Or Now" He added and I look at him in confusion but he just responded with a smirk.

"What are you planning?" I'm curious about what he is plotting again.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now