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"Hyung? Do you know the reason why I left?" I asked.

"No.  I don't want to bring up the past" He answered.

I actually wanted to know why.

He was apologetic that it makes me more curious about it. At least he told us that he was going abroad not like Taehyung and Jin Hyung.

"The thing is that" "We are here now, sorry for the wait" Jimin suddenly opened the door and went it interrupting Namjoon.

"Let's discuss it later," I told Namjoon and he nodded.

"Discuss what?" Jimin asked with a confused look.

"Nothing" Namjoon answered but Jimin didn't buy it.

"Don't concern yourself Jimin. By the way, where are those two?" I said and asked.

"I'm here," Y/N said and go in followed by Taehyung. Both are silent.

I nudge Jimin's side and asked. "What the hell did happened?" "Molla (don't know)" he answered.

"Yoongi hyung, can you start explaining now" Taehyung began. I was startled by his tone.

"Well then. All of you. Have a sit. I will explain the situation and how I found out about the killer's identity" They all did what I instructed them.

When everyone is settled down I started speaking.

"Regards to the date that Taehyung gave me, the diary, the death threats I came to these conclusions that somehow the killer is close to Y/N and might be someone who knows you," I said and look at Y/N. I still don't know the puzzle concerning the diary but I found these" I handed each of them a copy of my findings.

"This can't be," Y/N said with wide eyes.

"I was shocked as well. But I've searched the name related to Ong's partner and I found that one of Ong's past clients has an initial of K.L and a lotus flower as its trademark. Taehyung handed me also the data and letter that the killer send him and it has an exact initial and lotus flower mark" I explained.

"This flower is" "I know," I said interrupting Namjoon.

"This Lotus flower trademark is Fella's trademark right?" I said. I observe Y/N's expression and I think she's not processing everything so well.

"Death threats are sent occasionally. It's was all private data" I said.

"As I was working with the killer. I have once asked him if he knew you. Because based on the details that he was giving me, I feel like he really knows you. That's just my hunch" Taehyung interrupted. Y/N nodded.

"Taehyung manage to retrieve some of the data that the killer sent him. Look at the next page, I printed it out" They did what I instructed.

"All of the signatures is lotus flower" Jimin pointed out.

"I didn't really personally look at that signature when Taehyung told me about it. I'm such an idiot" Y/N said.

"Yeah a big idiot" Taehyung commented and Y/N glared at him.

"Like you're any better" Y/N fired back.

"At least I am helpful not like you, who need others to save your ass from your killer" Taehyung answered.

Y/N was taken back by Taehyung's words. She was upset but she didn't show it to him instead she put a smirk on her face. Okay, What is wrong with these two?

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now