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"It's Taehyung who want to 'practice' with me" Yoongi explained emphasizing the word practice.

"I just want to prove myself. That I am worthy of his trust, so I thought that this 'practice' or you may call it to spar might help me prove my worth" Taehyung added.

I sighed hearing their explanation.

"Why do you need to straggle each other when you could just talk," I asked while scanning some documents on my table.

"Action speaks louder than words," Yoongi said and smirked. I look at him and raise my brow.

"Even if you end up having dislocated arms and jaws," I asked. Both of them remained silent and stared at me.

"I want to hone my skills when it comes to martial arts and Yoongi Hyung here advised me. I want to be a good and dependent bodyguard for you" Taehyung reasoned out. I could say that It was a good excuse.

"I got it but I want to remind you both that we are moving in secret. Just you having my bodyguard is already suspicious and it might break some issues in media. Your intention is not bad but we need to think before we act. I'm not scolding you. I'm just protecting you. I'm sorry if I offended you or something" I explained hoping he will get my point.

I thought he will get angry like in some kind of drama with the lines like ' you are not my parents stop telling me what to do' or ' Who are you to dictate which actions should I do'. It is expected as this is just a deal. His methods are out of my reach. As long as he does his part then all is good. I should not control his decisions and actions.

However, he smiled.

"Well, I'm well aware of that. She is like what I told you right?" Yoongi said and nudged Taehyung's shoulder. 

Taehyung chuckled a little bit " I can see that" he said and look at me teasingly. 

"Told him what?" I asked looking at Yoongi particularly.

"Nothing" They quickly said and high five.

"When did the two of you get along? It's like yesterday you wanted to punch his face and now you are talking like you've known each other for so long?" I asked. Confuse but at the same time curious. 

"Taehyung here is a cool guy and has a swag so he passed," Yoongi Oppa said while complimenting Taehyung.

" Is this what they call MIRACLE?" I said exaggerating the last word.

"You are exaggerating Y/N, I went here last night and I saw you sleeping. This alien here wanted to talk man to man so I agreed and there we talk, get to know each other, and blah blah and that's where it started. I also invited him that's why he's there" Yoongi explained.

"You call this handsome face an alien? Are you blind?" Taehyung asked in disbelief.

"Should I include cocky too?" Yoongi added which gain some complaints from Taehyung.

"Okay," I said, Relief washed over me.

"You thought I will turn him over?" he asked, his voice was coated with disappointment. I look at him with hesitant eyes and slowly nodded. "I plead guilty," I mumbled.

"I'm hurt, I but cannot blame you Y/N. My first encounter with this alien is not a good sight of experience for meeting a person but I trust you" Yoongi added. I smiled.

"I'm not an alien" Taehyung said, you can clearly see that he is getting annoyed and I can tell that Yoongi enjoys it. I just watched in amusement. 

Wow. Miracles do happen. Everyone lets all believe that change is coming. Let these two idiots be a good example of that.

"You don't need to scare us though, Namjoon hyung refuse to come here because he thought you might transform into a beast," Taehyung said and laughed.

"Yeah you scared the hell out of him, didn't you notice him driving while his body is trembling in fear. I was grateful that we still arrive in one piece" Yoongi added and both of them started laughing while remembering the events earlier.

"Am I really that scary?" I asked myself.

"Yeah. Totally" The boys answered in unison. I glared at them and they avoid my gaze immediately.

I sighed and stand up.

"Tomorrow there will be a press conference regarding the launching of the company's new product and I'm sure that many questions will be thrown at me about the incident at Namjoon Oppa's wedding so it will get busier" I began speaking.

"Yoongi Oppa, You know what to do. Back to basic. Investigate about the killer" I instructed and he nodded.

"How about your parents?" he asked. "Let's focused on the present" I answered.

"Taehyung I will announce that I will hire a temporary guard. It may trigger some news but we need to take the risk and it is a favorable solution in our situation" Taehyung nodded his head.

"While doing so, I hope you collaborate with Yoongi Oppa and try to track down the killer, Namjoon Oppa as clearly as you witness is a little bit busy and we don't want to disturb his vacation are we? so It's all in the three of us. Are we clear?" 

They both agreed with my statement.

"So I'll be heading out to do some investigation. Lucky you that your case was assigned to me" Yoongi Oppa said while heading out of the door.

"I'm heading out also, need to pack my things for my new apartment," Taehyung said but before he heads out I call out his name.

He looked at me waiting to say something.

"Thanks," I said. He just smiled and wave his hands while walking out of the door.

A smile appeared on my face and I let out a chuckle.

"Well that escalated quickly than I thought"

I checked all the documents and prepared all the things needed for the press conference tomorrow. I scanned my schedule for today and saw that I have a meeting with the board of directors in one hour. I sighed and massage my temple. It is definitely hard without my secretary. Though I can't complain, I'm the one who wants it that way after all. Namjoon should enjoy his vacation.

For me, I better get ready. I can manage, I guess.

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