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The fake love MV was so sexy,dramatic,cool,admirable,fashionable,fascinating,whole level,energetic,and many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't get enough of it. Army don't stop streaming okay. BBMAs is coming. omygosh!!!!!!!!!


"What's with that face Y/N-ssi?" Mr. Ong asked while walking towards me.

Damn! His midget is blocking my way towards my private room. I need to hurry, Taehyung must be waiting in there.

"Mr. Ong, Are you the one who keeps sending me death threats and paying people to kill me?" I look at him waiting for his answers.

"Interesting question, I'm not surprised if someone actually does that kind of thing. If me, I would personally kill you by myself because it will be more fun" He blabbered out.

So he is not my killer and my parent's killer. Then who?

"I'm honored to hear that answers uncle. But I think our small little shit talk is over. I have the information that I need." I said and waved my hand at him.

I grab the arm of the man that is blocking my path then punch him right on the face. He was too shocked to respond. He stumbled down and there I took my chance to escape.

I opened the door of my private room and lock it.

"Open your closet" Taehyung instructed me. I went immediately to my closet but there is nothing.

"Wait for a second" I heard Taehyung mumbled.

"What's happening?" I asked in a worried tone.

"The password changed," He mumbled but we all heard it, from the sound of it, He was not aware not it was changed. Did someone know this passage?

"What?!" I heard Yoongi and Jimin asked at the same time.

"How did that happened? I told you not to put any password did I not" said Yoongi who seemed out of breath.

"What should we do then?" I asked in return. 

I could hear Mr. Ong cursing from the outside while they're trying to open the door. I heard a gunshot and then the door suddenly open.

"There you are," Mr. Ong said. I glared at him and he did the same.

"If you surrender right now, I can spare your little life," He said.

"Tsk. Like I would do that" I said in a sarcastic way. He got piss and pointed his gun at me.

"Y/N don't be hard-headed, surrender now. Or I can just kill you right now. That would be easy. The company will be mine. There won't be any nuisance in my way."

I stand firm on my spot not knowing what to do. Sweats keep dropping on the side of my face.

"Y/N, Don't do any reckless thing" Yoongi Oppa warned.

"Like what?" I asked even though I know what he is talking about.

"Fighting back. He has the advantage because of his weapon. One blow and you're a goner" He explained.

"Yeah, I know that grandpa" I muttered.

"Taehyung did you figured out the password?" Jimin asked.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now