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"First how are we going out of here, I'm sure you have the key. Open this place up I want to feel the fresh air right here right now" I said while stretching my arms.

"I thought you are smart," He said. He shook his head in disappointment. I felt my cheeks getting hot because of embarrassment. 

"W-Well I tried everything b-but it didn't work," I said defending myself.

I heard him chuckle which made me scowl.

"Don't make that face tigress, you'll get wrinkles" he said and started walking out the room. 

"Who cares, I will have them anyway when I get older," I said while trailing behind him.

We stop in the middle of an empty place.

"Is this suppose to be a living room?" I asked but he didn't respond. Nice Talking.

"Tan, house mode" he spoke loudly and the house started shaking a little. My eyes widen when I saw what's happening. The sofa came out under the floor and the frames display came out from the walls, the chandeliers came out from the ceiling. This is the best modern house that I've seen in my whole life.

I was in awe when he suddenly cleared his throat. I look up to him but he is looking at the door.

"Tan, open the door," He said and the door opened. What the heck?!

"How did- IS THIS HOUSE HUNTED OR DID HARRY POTTER MADE THIS HOUSE, ARE YOU HIS GRANDSON?!" I asked while shouting. Seriously this is unbelievable.

"This is what you call technology, we are living in a modern generation you know," He said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Yeah, but this is bullshit, why? How? I didn't know that this kind of house exists. The heck" I said confuse to this world anymore.

"And here is me hoping that you will help me live again but you don't even know that this kind of house exists," he said shaking his head in disappointment.

"W-Well I've been stuck in my office and I'm not the type of person who loves reading lifestyle magazines, I barely even read or watch the news," I said saving my last bit of pride that was shattered by this man.

I heard him chuckle. "What?!" I asked a little bit annoyed. I crossed my arms and pout. This piece of shit is making fun of my stupidity.

"Hahahaha, No need to get defensive. This is a Voice detector house. I've made this house. I program this house to listen to my commands meaning he only listens to my voice" He said while laughing a little bit. 

I become serious and stop laughing. He looked at me and I met a pair of lifeless eyes. I sigh and nodded. I started walking outside the house and my mouth gaped from the sight.

I can see a very wide and vast of flowers and butterflies are floating everywhere. It's a field of flowers. The tall trees served as a frame for the flowers.

"Wow," The only words that escaped my mouth. I can't speak. This is beautiful.

I heard him speak but I didn't understand because I was struck by the beauty of this place.

But how are we going out here? I can't see any cars or roads. I turn my back and look at him with a questioning looks. He raised his brow.

"What?" he asked. "How are we going out here?" 

"You're not listening aren't you. We are going to ride my private plane, but it's going to arrive later so let's just go inside, I bet you are hungry" He said and gestured for me to go inside.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now