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"Even though I want to forgive you uncle I can't. Although I'm really grateful to you I don't think it is still the same right now" I clenched my fist and continue. "I still can't forgive you"

"You can take revenge right now, use that knife to kill me" I paused hearing his words.

That's right I can. If I kill him then everything will be solved. I avenged my parents, Taehyung's, and all those persons that he causes grief. But-

"Killing you won't do any good. If you're gone will the pain vanish? I don't think so" I said while looking at the knife.

"Killing you is not the answer" I added.

"What should I do to repay for my sins," he asked while clutching his head using his left hand.

"Live," I told him and he looks at me.

"You will live for them. For their sake to repay your sins. It will be hard but eventually, you will get to it. Losing a life should not cause another life to be lost, instead, it should cause another life to continue pursuing a life, wherein no one will be lost again"

"Jail is it" He answered with a bitter yet satisfied manner. I just nod my head slightly.

"Actually, Namjoon told me that you don't really plan to kill me, you just wanted to talk," I confessed. That's why we took this risk.

"That's my original plan but I need to work this out. I want to find the best way out, at least I wanted to anger you so you might kill me and take your revenge. In that way I will feel a sense of atonement for what I have done, I killed many innocent people," he paused. he clenched his fist trying to hold back his tears. 

"Yet, I was only running away from my sins, not atoning and searching for the best way out, I was selfish and coward," he explained.

"And you think being killed by me will set you free from your past? It will clear your guilt?" I continued, I can't help but feel mad but at the same time, I can't seem to hate him entirely.

The fire alarm turned on and an explosion was heard causing a little shake on the building. I kneel down supporting my body.

"What happened?" I asked with no one in particular. Gunshots can be heard. Although it was faint, it is evident that Taehyung and the others started moving.

"It's the bomb that Ong set. I told Ong not to put it. That stupid drug lord," Uncle Kim said.

"The employees!?" I asked in a panic. I hope they are alright.

"You haven't changed" I look at him and he just smiled.

"Worrying about others when you should worry about yourself first. You are in a situation where your uncle can kill you and betray you again but you don't care about it, instead, you are more worried about others. You didn't just grow with a strong heart but a big heart"

He gave me back my mothers' diary.

"Aren't you going to keep that?" He shook his head and answered. "It's too late for me to keep that. I'm going to do what I should have done before" 

"What are you talking about uncle?"

"I'm going to save the company. I'm going to protect you. This is all I can do after all" He stands up walks towards the rooftop door. "Go ahead and hide," he ordered. 

"No, I'll go with you," 

To our surprise, the door abruptly opened and we saw Ong and his men. They are all wounded. Ong was especially wounded, he has wounds in his right hand, bruise on his right cheek. All of them have guns.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now