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Here I am on the rooftop of Fella. Taehyung and the others are on their designated area. I hope everything we plan will work out. I can see the sun setting and the whole city was slowly lighting up. It's so beautiful that I didn't realize the killer was already on the rooftop also.

"Thought you won't come Y/N" my uncle or should I say the killer said.

I look at him with disgust and anger in my eyes.

"What's with that face? I aren't you glad to see me?" He asked with a sick and fake smile.

"Don't incriminate the Fella. Stop this uncle. I'm already here. I want you to leave the company and the employees out of this mess. It's just between you and me. As you can see I complied to your conditions so I'm begging you to order your men to stop and dispose the bombs" I hope this conversation will lead the situation more orderly.

"And why should I listen to you? You are not the boss here. You listen to me" he answered with a smirked.

"You don't have the power to order me around my dear niece" he added.

"But the company doesn't have anything to do with this!" I shouted with anger.

"And I told you to listen to me!" he shouted and walk towards me. I walk opposite to him in order to avoid him. I'm not gonna risk it. This man is not my uncle. He is my killer. I observe his body but I can't see any weapons with him but doesn't mean that I should lower my guard.

"Avoiding me?" he asked amused. "Your eyes look like your father. You are really the manifestation of your parents. Your mom's facial features, the color of your fathers hair. Your gestures. The way you speak and act. It's the same as your parents. Even your expression when begging for the safety of others. It's the same that it irritates me" He look at me with the eyes full of hatred and anger.

"Why are you doing this uncle?" I asked with disappointment.

"Why? It's because you guys exist. If that damn father of yours didn't exist then I am the only heir of this company. If my parents just notice how hard I worked in order to support them manage this company and not blindly gave it to your parents then I wouldn't be like this. You know I pour everything just for my parents to notice me but all they just told me is that I'm not capable of handling the company" He ranted. He talk and talk how unfair it is for him, how he was treated by their parents. I just listened and didn't dare to talk.

"Your father is the favorite child and I'm just the extra. After all my efforts, it was wasted when they choose your father over me. Even your mother choose him instead of marrying me. I was the one who found your mother, who fall in love with her first. The one I deeply love but my great great brother, YOUR father snatched her away from me. Everything that I want was stripped away from me. By whom? By your father! I gave up and move on despite the hatred that I've felt. I married someone that my parents arranged for me and build my own family still the treatment didn't change. I can see how my parents look differently to my son Namjoon. They treated him like an outsider and my family. I asked them why they are doing this to me do you know what they said?!" He asked like he was about to lost his mind.

"They told me that there should be only one heir! And they are talking about my brothers' child. It was you Y/N. Even though you are not yet born the title is already on your hands. Without even trying without giving any effort. I thought there's a chance to regain my lost pride through Namjoon but no! Again your stupid family got the credits that should be MINE!

When I told my parents that I'm tired of their unfair treatment they just scold me calling me unprofessional and an embarrassment to the family. What worse is that they compared me to your damn father? Do you know how hard and hurtful it is to be disowned by your own parents just because you said the truth? And that's when I decided. I will seek my revenge. I will make those people who belittled me and dumped me. Do you know what I did?" he reveals a pocket knife and pointed it to me.

My eyes widen. I look at the knife and to him.

"Do you know what I did Y/N!!?" he shouted. Although I know what he did I slightly shake my head waiting for him to continue. 

"I killed them," he uttered those words as if he doesn't care. If he did hate them, why does he looked like that? Why does he have that look, looking like he regretted it?

"Learning that you are the killer is an enough shock for me" I answered trying to stop myself from crumbling in front of this man.

"Well, you grow a unique mouth Y/N," he said with a sweet smile.

"Thanks for the compliment uncle" I answered with a smirk. "Apparently I inherit it from someone who raised and nurtured me when my parents died. The one that I thought my ally. Turns out he is my killer" I said with a disappointment.

"I just helped you because Namjoon beg me to. He grow fond of you and even calling you his sister. I couldn't care less if you die also like your parents. If that's happened then the company will be mine and I can use it for anything I want. I trained and trained my Son to prepare him as the new heir but because of your still and annoying existence he was not able to handle the company"

Is that really his reason?

"I should have killed you when you are crying alone in your parents' room. Or asked those students who bullied you before to just kill you instead of ruining your mental state. There are many chances but I missed it. Such a waste. Tsk." My eyes widen realizing that because of him Seojin died.

"It was your fault!?" I shouted with anger. I clenched my fist hearing his confession.

"Yes. But it was wasted" he sighed in disappointment. My friend died because of him and he acts like he has nothing to do with it. He was confessing everything. 

"I TREATED YOU LIKE MY TRUE FATHER!" I shouted. The feeling of betrayal, sadness, and disappointment was overflowing.

"And you are dumb for doing that" he remarked. My eyes widen from his statement.

"I was dumb and stupid for trusting you," I said while gritting my teeth to hold back my tears that are threatening to fall. He look so emotionless as if he is listening to the wind. Those eyes.

"Now I remembered" I look at him with a sad smile and he looks at me confused about what I'm saying.

I remembered why I accepted this company

A/N: Images or videos are not mine. It belongs to the rightful owner.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now