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I've been reading today's news articles and as usual, the business headline is about the launching of our new design product, and me getting a personal guard. However, it is given because of the past events that happened. 

"Euphoria, that's a unique name," Martha remarked. We are currently eating at the cafeteria cause I forgot to bring my lunch. Yeah, I packed my lunch. Sometimes.

"What gave you the inspiration for that name?" Martha asked while munching her food. Martha is one of my close friends. I did not anticipate getting along with her at first, though spending some time with her become a routine and naturally we became familiar with each other, and here we are now. Although she is a little bit secretive with her private affairs before now she is more open.

It's not like I am one to talk.

"Gross, don't talk when your mouth is full," I said and continue eating not answering her question. She just smiled and I rolled my eyes to her. 

"I will assume that it is because of Taehyung," she said and I almost choked. I reach out for my glass of water and drink it up. I look at her in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion but she just smirked which confuses me more.

"Whatever," She said and giggled.

" You are crazy," I said and she mimics what I said which irritated me.

"Hey!" I whisper-shouted which earned a laugh from her. She really loves teasing me.

"I just want to make people happy and I hope that wearing the company's designs and clothes will bring happiness to them that's why it was called Euphoria. State of being happy" I explained in an annoyed tone.

"Easy Y/N, you don't need to be defensive" she answered with a knowing smirk. tsk.

I heard a sound of laughter not far from us and I look towards the directions of those voices and I saw Taehyung with some of the employees or rather female employees.

Looks like he is having fun.

"Look at him, I hired him to be my personal guard not to flirt with my employees" 

"Who?" I heard Martha said and I gestured to Taehyung's spot.

"Well, I think he is having a good time though," She said. I look at her and she had that annoying smirk painted on her face.

"I just hope he won't forget his real objectives. I will deem him useless if it happens," my irrevocable statement made her chuckled. "Fierce are we not?" said Martha. 

"That is a fact," I added staring at my food. I don't need a companion who is easy to be swayed after all.

"You are too cold, my food gone cold as well so drop that. I got your point," she said in a teasing manner. Did she really though? I am doubting my point cross her mind.

"Well he can do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't cause any problem," I said and stand up.

"Someday, I hope someone can break those walls," she said with sincerity. Her words reminded me of those days from my past. A bitter encounter that somehow I wished I never experienced.

"Where are you going?" Martha asked. "Office" I replied shortly as I stand up.

"But you haven't finished eating everything," She said in a matter of fact tone.

I just shrugged. "I still need to finish my reports," With that, I excused myself. I walk out of the office canteen at a fast pace. I need to clear my thoughts. 

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now