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You woke up feeling dizzy.

"Urgh, what happened?" You ask yourself. Remembering the last night's events. You comb your hair through your fingers and let out a frustrated groan. You checked your phone and it's past midnight.

"Shit! I overslept" you silently curse yourself.

You stand up and move to your desk where all the papers lie down and welcoming you warmly. You sighed and started reading every paper not missing any single word. You've worked until who knows when. Your will takes you into this position. Not stopping until you reach your goal

***2 days later***
You heard the door of your office open and look at the person.

Your eyes widened when you saw the person standing and holding a big rectangular box.

"Yoongi Oppa, what are you doing here?" You ask surprise.

"Tsk. Namjoon is right" he said which made you tilt your head in confusion

" look at the date today" he ordered

You did what he said and look at the mini calendar on my desk. Your eyes widened as you finally remember that today is Namjoon and Sora's wedding.

"Wahhh, I'm stupid how can I forget it?!" You said as you absentmindedly hit your forehead with your palm.

"I know you are stupid but don't hurt your self idiot," Yoongi said. He handed you the box, you look at it and gave a what-the-heck-is-this look

He just shrugged. "Sexy brain predicted that you'll be busy with work, so he already prepared a dress for you, and he asked me to fetch you in case you forgot which is not surprisingly you did, work maniac," He said.

"And you agree to fetch me? Something's fishy, you won't even try even if he asked. What's the catch?" You ask. You know him and things like this won't make his butt move.

"Personal needs," he said and smirked. You snorted and just went over to the bathroom to wash and change.

After an hour you went out feeling refresh and more presentable.
You looked around and saw him sleeping on the couch.

"Aish this lazy grandpa" you muttered.

****at Namjoons wedding****

"Thank you for coming everyone," said Namjoon. You watch as they happily give their gratitude towards the guest.

"Now hurry up and make my grandchild!" Someone shouted and you guess it's uncle Kim, Namjoon's father. The newlywed blush embarrassed by the comments specially Namjoon. You just laugh along. Well for you it's funny.

You looked around the venue, well we are on the rooftop which can accommodate everyone, surprisingly. It is decorated like a forest, an enchanted forest. You have a feeling that this theme was Sora's choice because she likes enchanted places.

"At least it's not an enchanted house theme" you whisper to yourself. Well for you its cool because it turns out to be a magical venue

"What are you mumbling about Y/N?" You heard Yoongi's voice and look at him. You almost forgot that you came here with him. 'Yea, if he just tries to communicate and socialize more then I wouldn't forget his presence ' you sarcastically thought. You notice someone in a black hooded jacket rush out of the venue

You started feeling anxious and you don't know why. Before that person closes the door you notice the black hooded person look at you.

"I know your face is ugly but you look uglier with that expression, what are you looking at?" Yoongi said and look towards the direction you are facing. You took this chance to smack his head. He holds his head while wincing in pain. Silently cursing you but you can still hear it

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now