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You hum in response not sparing a glance to the owner of the voice knowing who it was. These past few weeks you've been doing nothing but work. Piles and piles of papers and request forms are splattered on your desk waiting to be noticed and finish. You've been up 'till night just to finish your work. Your eyes are sore but you are persistent and hard-headed to rest. You take a little nap but most of the time you worked.

Namjoon is worried for you thus he offers to help you but you always decline his offer.

He is your cousin and a brother to you. When your parents died he is one of the persistent people who never leaves your side. Cheer you up all day. And until now help you. You cherish him and you owe him big time.

But he has a life too. The time that he spends helping you with these shit loads of papers should be spent on his fiancé. Yeah, he is getting married. He should be he is getting older like grandpa Yoongi.

"Y/N, stop working and rest for a bit will you," he told you, not really but request you.

"After I finished them up," you said pertaining to your pile of papers. He sighed, a desperate and irritated sigh, you can hear it also but pay no attention to it. When it comes to working, work only. That's your mantra. No one can break you and your work as if you are married to each other.

"Okay, at least eat a little," He said softly with a worried tone.

You sighed and stop typing on your laptop. You took the plate full of foods and dessert which you don't know how long it has been there and takes a bite.

"Happy?" You ask and look at him. He smiles and gives you a thumbs up.

The food is surprisingly delicious and you started devouring it and just noticing how hungry you were.

"Hey slow down you might cho-"

He didn't finish his sentence as you already choking while tapping your desk requesting water.

He immediately gives you water and you gulp it, muttering a small thanks.

He just sighed and started thinking about your future, what will happen to you if he was gone.

"How's the wedding?" You ask him.

"Everything is in place, what's left is the actual wedding," he said and a wide smile was shown on his face.

You smile at him and nod.
"Well now you have another thing to worry about, aside from this twerp," you said and pointing to yourself. He chuckled a little.

"Are you fine by yourself?" He asked.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Confused about his question. You reach out for the black envelop that was given to you last time.
It was a death threat.

"Surprisingly many people want you out of this business world and that means" He didn't continue as I just looked at the pictures and small paper which the word 'you will die soon' written on it.

The pictures are of me when walking and taking a stroll the other day and the last months.

"Nah, they think I'm scared. I will not say that I'm not bothered by it but showing that I'm scared and intimidated by these things will just make my enemy satisfied and make him think that they can win over me" you said eyes closed.

"Yeah, I'm just worried because you don't have someone to assist you for a whole year while I'm gone. You are not hiring any replacement either" he reminded you

You laugh a little and went over to his side. You put your right arm to his shoulder.

"You worry too much my brother, I'm not a baby anymore. I can kick their ass and balls without them noticing it" you joke but giving a reassuring tone and smile to at least ease his worries.

MY BOSS(BTS KIM TAEHYUNG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now